
Will you tell your paranormal pet experiences , please?

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Just so you won't misunderstand...If you had a pet that died and came to visit you in spirit.




  1. my most recent passed away dog got my attention while i was taking photos outside at night (dont ask lol) and i now have a photo of her...... my first passed dog used to appear in my dreams ALLT HE TIME. he would generally be on the other side of a glass door, just wagging his tail at me..... i knew he was letting me know he was stilla round....

    also... witht htis first dog..... he died suddenly and we didnt know how. me, my mum and my younger sister all awoke one morning.... i mentioned a dream i had had... the other two gasped in a panic and went on to explain theat we had all had the exact same dream... on our dog being a staggering bloody and slimy mess, foaming at the mouth and viciously approaching us... we were terrified... a few days later we all told a family friend, still not understanding why we would be vivious etc... the woman said (psychic gal) he was showing us how he died... poison. wow!! and also.... my other dog that passed 8 months ago was hit by a car. id had her 11 years... our siblings came screaming inside coz they had seen her on the highway... i froze, so my sister drove to her and dealt with the situation... i never saw her.... i was told she looked perfect, like asleep, no blood etc. 2 nights later, and after balling, she came to me, wagginf her tail. she had blood, all dries and brown all over the white side of her face. im used to this stuff by now, so i knew i had been lied to. i told my sister the next day the dream. she went quiet, and admitted she had lied coz she didnt want to hurt me. she had had blood on the white side of her face. i knew it. there has been more, but these are the best.... oh wait... the first dog dies soon after i got this one i just mentioned... i was balling one night... he came to me (well before i was into this stuff) and he sat at his grave... his mouth did not move, but he spoke the words... dont worry about me, just look after raja (the new dog). he was the most spiritual, wise, different dog i had ever met.... insane,.

  2. Yes, I have a dog 12 y.old She acts sometimes as spy and on the fone  of her woving and typical dogs sounds could be heard interesting info-mainly about neighbours- f,e, "He/the nighbour/ is in bathroom and he do this and this/I hate this neighbour because he has some not polite interest for  me and first I thought this was my enervated mind to think but then I realised the dog was really spying and informing me -may be a kind of a new pets ESP?

  3. yes of course.. my aunt's dog ram, is very sensitive towards how my aunty is feeling. he usually jumps on her and greets her when she come home from work, but  whenever she is upset, he slowly walks towarrds her and very gently licks her toes.. he is also not allowed upstairs as my grandma sleeps upstrairs and is allergic to his fur. once, my aunty was very depressed as one of her co-workers weas desperately trying to get her in trouble. she went to sleep that night without dinner.  the next morning when she woke up, she found him sleeping next to her.. and he never disobeys. he also does not like ppl who my aunty does not like. he stares at them from accross the rooms and desnt do his usual socialising for someone to scratch his back. it has also happened to me one.. a bully from my skool came to my hse.. she had always been so mean to me.. that day.. we were playing (cos my mum wanted me to do the mature thing and not have enemies) she gave him a gave him a kiss and he bitt her..i was SOOO happy. i gotta go.. i will write more when i get back..

  4. OK. This is actually about a cat I knew. My ex-wife's (one of them) grandmother had a calico cat. I of course was familiar with the cat via the relationship. I also have always had pets since I was a child.

    One day while I was not at this house (or in the same city) the cat became sick and eventually died (I was not aware this).

    Months later while visiting her grandmother overnight I was informed that the cat had died.

    While sleeping on the couch (we weren't married yet) I felt cat paws walking on my chest (this cat wasn't allowed in this room and did stay out) OK, sleep paralysis right?

    Then I dreamed that the cat was invisible (makes since after the chest thing and seeing no cat right?)

    Then I dreamed I was feeding the cat by hand and the food actually disappeared like it was taken and vanished.

    Then I woke up.

    So, I tell the dream and find out that indeed when the cat got sick she reached a point that she would only eat if fed by hand and then eventually would not eat at all.

    So, coincidence, my own projection of ideas into a dream, ESP, or a ghostly visit. I have no idea.

    I choose to believe that she was saying goodbye and had overcome her illness (eating again).


  5. Having a ghost cat in the bed has been frequent.  Once in awhile a dog, probably Jack.  But I had a favorite cat and she Stray/Pook was a champion tree climber often reaching the top within a couple seconds.  she would go to the highest limbs of a huge 90' high elm tree and study the squirrels and copy their moves.  One squirrel started copying her including sitting in her spot near the bench iwould sit at .   Stray was a good traveling cat crossing states with me in comfort and she always came when i whistled for her.  I loved and enjoyed that cat very much.   Shortly after she died I was sitting on the couch with Sox another cat.  From the top of the couch came one of Stray's clear , happy meows.  Both Sox and I turned toward her.  We couldn't see her.  Sure glad she said hello.

  6. We had a ghost cat in a house but it was not our cat.  It even had a little girl laughing sound with it.  I hear it is still there.

  7. I had an experience with, not my pet's death but my mum's.  According to the Asian Chinese belief, the spirit of the dead will come visit their loved ones on the 7th nite of their passing . On the 7th night, I felt a 'breeze' in the room, tho the windows were all shut.  My husband mumbled in his sleep...'they are here'...All these was like in a dream...but I am fully aware of the scenario..till todate.  I saw my mum and she was accompanied by two 'people'..I cud not see their faces but my mum's was clear and it was just like as she was alive.  She came to my side of the bed and I was so frightened I clutched onto my pillow like my life!  She tugged at my pillow and the 'people' stopped her.  I heard her said to them...'I want to touch her'..She stopped tugging and she asked me in our dialect..'How are you?' and everything just fizzled off after that.  Believe it or not, "How are you?" were those very words my mum would ask me whenever I called home during my younger days.

    Yes, I believe your pet will visit you after its death.  Do remember it in your prayers.  Pray for the dead as they pray for us too.

  8. my aunt's very very best friend's dog died... he took the poor dog and buried him on the tallest hill in the city.

    the next day and for several weeks afterwards, he and my aunt would be chillin out at his house and would hear the dog's nails/claws clacking on the tile running up and down the hall to remind my aunt's friend that he was still there.

  9. ahahahahah... another of my favorite subjects.... the first experience with a deceased pet came when I went to see a woman to have my house "cleaned" (of a demon)... she said we had a cat with us and described our beloved Bentley. He died of a stomach tumor and has been with us ever since. My oldest son, also "gifted", has actually see and heard him (he knows the cat's voice/meow). He's with us always. He crawls onto the bed and sleeps with me at night, sometimes I hear him purring, doing that kneading thing they do with their paws.

    I also had a dog that died when I was 16 (I'm 35 now), we moved, she stayed with the stepfather we were leaving, just b/c she was so old. She died 6 months after we left, and I was just crushed, b/c I never go to say goodbye. Well, about a year ago, she came to me. I had a dream about her, that she came to me, and then began to see her around the house, would hear her bark sometimes. She is with me always now, guarding my children when they sleep, the way she used to guard me when I was growing up.

    I've had a dozen or so other animals come to me as well--animal totems... I've got a black panther, a Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma (one animal, I've seen it referred to by all three names), and a tiger. I've actually felt the hop up onto the bed and begin to purr (the panther purrs the most... she would make the entire right side of my body vibrate with her purring. lol She guards my oldest now, sleeps beneath his bed--he's actually seen her under there, it's how I know she's there. She swipes at his feet, playfully, to let him know she's there. lol). Have several other house cats that have come and gone. Have several dogs that are with me and have visited. One dog belongs to a spirit I crossed over who became a friend, so when Martin comes to visit, Posh, the dog, comes with him. Posh, however, is prone to chasing the house cats.... LOL

    Have one small all white terrier look dog, no idea who he is, but he's here to stay apparently, because every medium I've met in the last 3 years asks me about him. lol

  10. I had a cat named Cougar she passed about 8 years ago.  I was very close to her.  I now have a cat named Lilo and we are very close.  I am the only person in my home that can pick her up without being hissed at.  When she was about 5 weeks old, she had a stroke.  I worked hard to keep this poor little thing alive.  She is now 5 years old.  I feel knowing this little detail is important to what happened.

    I was going to have a ct scan of my liver.  I was scared to tears about how it would come out.  While I was waiting to leave for the test, I was laying on my couch and Lilo, as she always does, jumped up to lay on my hip.  She was shaking

    badly.  I went to pet her and suddenly asked " whats wrong Cougar?"  I was petting a shorthaired black cat not a long haired smoky grey cat.  I was so lost in my thoughts of the upcomming test that I didn't realize I was petting the wrong cat untill my son let out a very shakey drawn out mom.  I then realized that It should have been Lilo.  I looked at her again and still saw Cougar.  I looked at my son one more time, his face was pale, and back at the cat which was now a shaking Lilo.  I was still petting her when my son said he saw a black cat and not Lilo.  Lilo finnally started purring as I told my son it was Cougar that he had seen.  I showed him a picture of him and Cougar and then he was ok with it.

    I feel she came back to calm me as she always did when I was upset and to tell me everything will be ok.  The test came out good.  But I don't think poor little Lilo understood what was happening.  She has been slowly going blind for about a

    year.  I think that is from her stroke.

  11. my black cat died she got hit by a car few years back. i would see her sometimes sitting on the couch or walking past my bedroom. it was only a black shadow or flash but the weirdest thing was at times i would hear her bell ringing which use to be around her neck.

  12. I had a cat named Calypso for 16 years that I was very close to. I had to put her to sleep when she became very ill from cancer of the lymph system, and I felt her spirit very strongly for about 24 hours after she passed.

    It's difficult to describe, sort of like a warm spot about the size of a basketball that was moving all around me. I was crying like a baby and could feel that she was very concerned for me, trying to tell me that she was free of pain and happy. She stayed with me all night and through the next day, I could sense her bounding along in front of and around me as I went to work (I walked, it was just a few blocks) and I could even feel her "let down" when she discovered that which I did every day was every bit as boring to her as it was to me, lol!

    That evening she came to me again and let me know that she was pressing her luck and it was time for her to go back to te other side (it felt like "home"), but that she would be checking in on me from time to time and that I would see her again when I crossed over. We said our goodbyes, and I could feel her pull back, scoot from the living room to my bedroom and ascending up through the wall, then she was gone.

    A few years later my other cat, Tasha, was dying of old age at 18. Calypso came to me and I could sense her thoughts in me as she made it clear that it was Tasha's time to leave. She showed me images of herself as she was lying on my bed dying from cancer, and then reminded me of how she felt after she passed.

    I then saw her very clearly in my mind, sitting right in front of me and looking me directly in the eye for a few moments, and she told me that she would look after Tasha and they would both be waiting for me at "home", and that the years between then and my own passing would seem as a few moments of time when it was all over.

    I spent the day with Tasha, petting her and telling her what a wonderful cat she was, how much I loved her and appreciated the time we had together. Then I took her to the vet and had her put to sleep. I could feel Calypso there the whole time, and could feel her greeting Tasha as she passed. They both "rubbed" against me and then took off to the other side. I was crying a bit but not as bad as I did when Calypso passed because I was much calmed by her presence.

    I've felt them off & on over the years since, especially when my mother passed away (had very strong communication with her after she passed that changed my life, but that's another story). Life goes on and now I have a number of other cats, and I could feel Tasha & Calypso's blessing as I got each of them. I will never forget them, and I look forward to seeing them again when it's my turn to go "home".

  13. well when I was little I saw an ufo, I wasn't sure if it was real.

  14. When my relationship with my ex ended two and a half years ago I had to leave all the pets with her.  My cat Tasha I had had for two years before moving in with my ex, but at the age of 14 I thought it would be too hard on her to move and establish new territory.  Also I knew I would only be renting and didn't want to have her need to do it several times if one place didn't work out.  

    During the time she was still alive but living 75 miles away from me there were two instances when I was aware of her in the house with me.  I did miss her so it wouldn't be difficult to dismiss it as my mind whatever.  But there was one instance where my roomate went into the bedroom and said she saw her laying on my pillow.  We also found cat hair in the bed.

    Tasha died a few months ago.  She was old, it wasn't any great shock.  My ex called me and told me about it.  She had been acting more needy the night before.  Tasha was sunning herself in the porch when she left for work and when she came home she was laying curled up on the porch floor and didn't move.  She took her to the vet and had her cremated which is what I would have done myself.

    About a month after that I was home alone studying.  I felt her presence again and when I looked up I saw her curled up on the back of the couch.  She lifted her head and watched me for a minute.  Some noise outside made me turn away for an instant and when I looked back she was gone.

  15. Sarge was my dog. He was a LHasa Apso. About a year after he died I was almost asleep when I heard him running up the stairs from the basement. I could hear him skidding around the corner and the tapping of his nails on the tile in the kitchen as he came running into my bedroom just as he had always done. He laid on the spread hanging down from the bed pulling  it off of me just like he would do before he died. I yelled out as I usually had his name in a gruff voice before realising he was dead. I never heard him again after that.

  16. My wife died, October, 2005.  We were both animal lovers, but she took the cake where that was concerned.  I used to tease her by calling her Saint Marguerite.  I would say, you only have two miracles to your credit, but I'm going to call you that anyway, because I'm sure there will be a third.  (Both of her "miracles" involved her saving the lives of two animals that astounded me.  And she was Catholic, so it was more fun because of that.)

    On Halloween, that year, I went to the cemetery.  She and I used to have fun with all the trick-or-treaters on Halloween.  My kids were grown up, so this was one of those occasions when I really missed her.  It was nearly dusk when I arrived at the cemetery.  I heard this high pitched loud crying coming from back in the underbrush about 100 feet away, as I sat down in my folding chair next to Marguerite's grave.

    Out from the underbrush came a black and white cat.  He came right to me, rubbed against my legs, stood up with his paws on my lap, and just wouldn't go away.  He followed me to my car when I left.  He looked like a house cat, had a flea collar, and was clearly lost.  I took him with me.  I named him Boo.

    First chance, I took him to animal control.  They kept him for a week and no one claimed him.  So I adopted him.  I've had him ever since and everybody loves him.  He actually does things like run across the yard toward my car when I pull up in the driveway.  There have been times when he will lie next to my feet in bed and actually pet them with his paws.  I'm not much of a cat person, but he's just too cool and loving to ignore.

    I always knew Saint Marguerite would get that third miracle.

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