
Will you unite with humanity to create a sustainable and healthy world for everyone?

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Will you unite with humanity to create a sustainable and healthy world for everyone?




  1. As a matter of fact YES I would. We do live in a world where children don't need to go to bed hungry or go through life never seeing a Doctor or a school room. But, as some of the answers have already reflected people are greedy, self centered and seem to lack empathy for others. That is the attitude that will keep things the way they are, "as long as I'm okay, s***w everyone and everything else."

    It seems we in the western world think the poor around the world have brought these conditions upon themselves, and some perhaps even that they deserve one deserves to starve because there country is hit by a drought for years on end. Is it a child's fault when war breaks out and they are left without food, water, shelter and often parents, I think not.

    I've heard people make comments about the number of children poor people have, the fact is many die in infancy never making it to adulthood. These people don't have food, you think they are worried about birth control. Many don't even know about it, many can't obtain it, and many wouldn't take it for religious or personal reasons.

    Here's a nice example of western nations help: The drug Thalidomide used by woman to combat morning sickness in the sixties was taken from shelves as it caused birth defects (missing or unformed limbs etc.). There were loads of this drug stored away. Ends up this drug is very good in the treatment of leprosy. So what did we in the developed countries do, we sent it to the third world countries and used it for that purpose. Nice eh?

    Because of lack of education, no information, or neglect, women did not understand, were not told, that getting pregnant while on this drug could harm the child. Well instead of making these peoples lives better they are dealing with leprosy as well as deformed and crippled children to take care of. The problem was, in my opinion, made even worse. Sad but true.

    It is sad that in many places that need aid there is so much corruption in gov't that alot of aid is diverted and does not get to those for whom it was intended. I've watched a couple documentaries where this has been the case.  N. Korea has had most aid agencies pull out because of this. They found out that most of the aid packages ended up on the black market where the rich were purchasing the items and the poor were getting nothing. This is a gov't doing this to their own people. It makes it difficult to offer aid in that situation.

    I'd love to live long enough to see a world where poverty and hunger were inihilated but human nature being what it is...I don't think I got that much time left (ha, ha).

  2. In Unity is strength and power, we all have to come to gether in the end to beable to over come. All colors, All Nations, All people. Or be destroyed by the fire which will cleanse the Earth to prepare it for rebirth, so there will be love and happiness, no more saddness, We will walk in proudness of the new Earth that will be given us, So pray and the Great Almight will hear, And there will be no more to fear. As we walk as one, With the Greatest spirit which is in everyone.

  3. humanity only needs to realize that we're already united with all  life and all that sustains it, then we'll preserve our world and its countless inhabitants.

  4. I see no reason to be a pod person who surrenders his individual sovereignty and national sovereignty to people who will make decisions for me allegedly "for my own good".

    I will do as I think best; the rest of the world can bugger off.

  5. I want a hit on whatever "Noon's" been smoking!

  6. No.  We are each individals.  If I use 4.5 oz of air and you use 5.9 then good for you.  If I use 1 gallon of water and you only use a 1/2 then good for me.

  7. No.

    I will take care of myself just like everyone else should do.  If my neighbor has a run of bad luck, I will act charitably as long as:

    a)  I can afford to do so.

    b)  They will use my gift to reclaim their self-reliance.

    c)  I feel like it.

    I move that we should all take care of our own needs.  Who's with me?

  8. Does that mean I'd have to assume human form?

  9. Unity is the only way that the world can survive by getting rid of nuclear arms.

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