
Will you vote for John McCain even though James Dobson says it would be unconscionable to do so?

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James Dobson says "I cannot and I will not vote for John McCain."

Video of Dobson saying that is located here:

Do you trust Dobson, or is he a charlatain? A hypocrite? A power-monger? A nut?

If you do believe in Dobson, will you follow his advice? Why or why not?




  1. Of course.

    Will you vote for Obama even though James Dobson said that Obama was "distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview"?

    Dobson's opinions are his own.

    He has said he might not vote for president at all, since he disapproves of both candidates.

  2. No

  3. I can think for myself sweetie.

    I don't care what celebrity endorses which candidate. I can pick for myself based on issues who I want in control. :)

  4. James Dobson is not the keeper of my conscience.

    I am.

    I'll vote my own conscience, thank you very much.

    Dobson may have some very sound ideas from time to time - most people, regardless of religious or political affiliation, do, even though their adversaries may have difficulty admitting it.

    However, I rely on my own ability to read, ask questions, clarify, and understand issues to make my decisions about religion, politics, and more.

    To be blunt: No one tells me what to do - I make up my own mind!

  5. Dobson has now changed his mind and intends to support McCain.

    He made this statement on Glen Beck last week.

    He said it was partly due to the Palin pick.

  6. Yes, certainly even though the greatest Man ever to be President. George W Bush, also said that McCain was not presidential material in 2000.

  7. Well I guess you didn't see him on Shawn Hannity. The day John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his Vice President, he was all to eager to now be supporting John McCain, and Sarah Palin. He thinks Sarah is exactly what Washington needs. And he was applauding John McCain for his selection. You are going to have to get up mighty early to pull one over on this girl. So what else you got?

  8. if i am muslim i will vote for Mc  ..i know he can destroyed this country for me.

  9. I gather information and make up my own mind based on facts, accomplishments, character and view points. The only choice for me is John McCain / Sarah Palin. Outstanding people who actually accomplish things, have principals, and don't blow smoke up my bum.

  10. Who's james Dobson?

  11. Dr. Dobson has changed his tune a little bit.  This is a bit of old news.

    Yawn.  NEXT!

  12. Dobson was jumping for joy when Palin was selected. Will he change his tune now that the news of her unmarried daughter being pregnant is out?

    Oh these family values. Dobson is nut job!

  13. Dobson is a hypocrite who does not even feel his teachings should apply to himself.  He has a greed for power, and while at one time may have had a geniune desire to keep this country on a decent moral track, has gone so far off the deep end in his interference in politics that all he is about now is power.  

  14. THAT'S OLD!!!  Keep current will ya?  Dobson now supports McCain, especially realizing that SOCIALISM is the alternative.  But honestly I don't really care endorses who.  I am my own person with my own mind.

  15. no i dont like dobson

  16. Of course, look at the alternatives.

    McCain/Palin 2008

  17. I am not sure who James Dobson is - but he brings up a vote record that appears to offend him based on his religious beliefs - so more power to him

    The reasoning of Paul Craig Roberts make more sense to me for reasons not to vote for McCain - is a site that offers the former Republican's views as the former under secretary of the Treasury under Regan

    Roberts states that his military adviser will lead the US into a war with Russia and predicts that if McCain is elected he will likely have the world face a nuclear exchange

    Although I think Roberts is correct the problem becomes that Obama's adviser has more or less the same war in mind but with a different battle plan for the primacy of American interests within the sub continent of Asia

    Is it McCain vs Obama

    Or is it Brzezinski's the grand chess board vs Shenemann's (sp?)  America for a new century ?

    If there is a corporate elite that dictate the candidates ability to become a Presidential nominee then it stands to reason that they would dictate to both party's knowing full well that the situation for them becomes win win

    The glimmer of hope is not found in these advisers - but rather your belief that the new President has the ability to see through and say no to these advisers

    Both Brezinski and Shenemann offer a plan to establish a world dominated by US corporate interests by controlling the emerging economies the only thing these two men disagree about is how to get there - The objective is shared the path is not

    All I am suggesting is that Coke and Pepsi are owned by the same guy and so that taste test challenge really makes no difference  

  18. I rarely like to stoop to name-calling ...

    but I perceive a bit of excessive arrogance

    in this man who seems to get money for

    pandering under the guise of Christianity

  19. Both Dobson and Ingrahm are wackos. I had to stop listening to her vile c**p and I'm not a McCain supporter.

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