
Will you vote for Ron Paul as a write-in?

by Guest62678  |  earlier

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I am. For all the plentiful good reasons in the world.




  1. If I write in it will be Romney...But I am voting Barr 08 and then Romney 2016.

  2. I would, but states have their own rules. Here in Ca, Ron Paul is not on the ballot. Even Ron Paul stated that write-ins never tend to work, but he did urge to support former RP supporters like Barr, or Baldwin. If you want to write in his name, nobody should stop you from doing so, go ahead!

    Stay tuned for the Rally for the Republic!

  3. God no.

  4. I don't know if you know this already, but Ron Paul is a hopeless mess.

  5. Why waste your vote?  You know he will not get in.    

  6. no because even though I like Ron Paul he doesn't have snow balls chance to win and every vote that does not go to McCain will be one less vote against Obama.

  7. i was going to, but with Palin absolutely not.  McCain all the way now!

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