
Will you vote for a political party that?

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Believes in arresting and impounding people for 42 days without evidence to justify such action.

That plans to impose a freedom and liberty tax via so-called ID cards.

That believes in State sponsored snooping.

That believes in mass uncontrolled immigration.

That believes we should be ruled by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

That believes that the lowest paid should be have their tax liabilities increased.

That can only increase employment by increasing the numbers of people employed by government.

That has destroyed manufacturing industry.

That takes bribes in return for elevation to the House of Lords.

That takes us to war on the basis of outrageous lies.

That has directed and is responsible the destruction of the pensions of millions of hard working people.

That believes that land should be put to the growing of biofuel crops instead of food crops.

That has produced the worst education system in Europe.

That has the created dirtiest hospitals in the civilised World.




  1. If you refer to the coming elections I shall vote for the best local candidate, when the general election comes I'll vote for a party.

  2. Do you mean the housing market and food prices rising,  amenities rising and fuel costs soaring?

    Who do you mean?  Labour or Conservative

    Seems to me History is just repeating its self?

    42 days detention, if it saves 1 life ok

    id cards  to control immigration and benefit fraud

    you state distroys manufacturing industry  the previous goverment distroyed the Coal, Steel, Ship building industries in this country.

    the previouse goverment Closed hospitals,

    Whilst the hospitals are not up to standard for europe you are not forced to use them you can go private cheaper than most european countries

  3. Well no need to, I think we already have these things in place!

  4. No, no and thrice NO!

    Oh, and while I'm typing...

    ID cards to help solve benefit fraud and immigrant issues. Yeah, right.

    Obviously all the fraudsters and illegal immigrants will be first in the ID card queue at the local Post Office (only if they've not all been closed down by then though, eh?).

  5. I dont vote - period.

    Never have and I never will.

    They,re all lie-ing scum who promise voters the world and then tell them to F off once they are in power.

    We need a new political party in the UK. One that actually is answerable to the people.

  6. Conservative all the way.

    We've learned the hard way that's the only way to go.

  7. No mon.

  8. i hope whoever voted them in will think long and hard before doing it again.

  9. No. You convince me of a party that is able to put the matter right, think it is to far down the line to make radical changes.

  10. im voting conservative thank you........

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