
Will you vote for someone whos speech was written by policy makers of the last 8years???

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palin's speech although with NO content... was written by the bush administration... obvious why the speech was based on attacks.




  1. Yes, I will. And after that performance, a lot of other Americans will too. In one speech she changed the image of the Republican Party.

    The Democrats have a fight on their hands. You don't like that. You don't want to face that. I completely understand and empathize.

    But it's still true.

  2. I will vote for a team that includes a woman who will make Joe Biden go crying home to his Mommy following their debate.

    As for yourself, obviously not a good judge of character and strength.

    Also a tad hyper-sensitive, eh?  Typical Libby.

  3. I guess so!  It seems that the last eight years was better than what Obama wants to make the next four!  Do you want to vote for someone who's speech was written by Liers?  No one asked these questions about the people who spoke at the Democratic Nomination, so that must mean that Palins speech was much better than Bidens!

  4. I don't care anything about who wrote her speech. Nor do I care about who writes Obama's speeches. I am only interested in the ticket has accomplishments and experience to offer our great nation. And the McCain/Palin ticket has accomplishments and experience in spades.

  5. I'm sorry, that was filled with content, perhaps you don't realize it, because you follow Obama and his change mantra that is lite on details.

  6. ouch that one hurt. not. tell me specifically who wrote it, and state your sources. i do enjoy reading your desperate attempts to criticize a perfect speech.  

  7. NOT VOTING FOR THIS COUPLE. May have for McCain as he has something to offer. BUT he is not in control and the rep machine is telling him what to do. She is sneering, looks down on people, cheap-shot (even taking on Michele O when O said even families are off the table, not intelligent, sarcastic, hypocrite, belittling everyone, and a shame if she ever comes to the lower 48. She comes across as a cheap woman, doesnt seem to have judgement, is loud and a just a good cheerleader but imagine if we had a hockey mom as our first president instead of George Washington!!!!!!!!!!!! Presidency requires an extradorinary person not a commoner as you are entrusted with the country's future esp. in these times. GET the right vote out as she would be a bigger disaster than BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO MORE upto possible 12 years BUSH-type reign if she get elected for this country. SHE reminds you of Carly Forina who also came with a gung-ho and made a mess of HP. SHE is a hypocrite on family values, she really is prochoice (as she said she encouraged her daughter to have the baby - SO SHE GAVE HER THE CHOICE!!! so is she pro-choice), she hired a lobbing agent to get earmarks for her town and she now oposes them, she kept the money (over $200 million) for the bridge to nowhere. McCain is just using a pretty gal for politics....oh!dont they do it when you want to sell a lemon to someone.

  8. Who do you think wrote Nobama's speech? That's right, some old blue hair Democrat. Get over that. Your just MAD because she is a better pick than that other gal. LOL

    NObama!, Nobama!, NObama!!!!!

  9. She at least believes that human life has some value at some point.  Too bad that she also believes that God a gas pipeline.  Yick.

    Building a natural-gas pipeline is part of God’s will, she said, according to a video published by the Huffington Post taken from material posted on the website of the Wasilla Assembly of God.

  10. Sorry but your wrong!! get your facts straight!! the speech was wonderful, truthful, and right to the point for our nation, which by the way is one nation under GOD!!!!!

  11. h**l no!! mccain ain't getin my vote. the bush's are still going o be running this country if he does! Besides we need a change. No more republican!!!! Le a democrat get in! Thwy will probably cheat with Mccains votes like the did Bush's for the last two terms. Palin she's obviously a srong women to keep a career and five children ( we all are capable) but I certainly don't think she can take care of her children (especially being one has special needs) and run this country. Oh yeah  McCain is Old. We need some one educated, experienced and a little your!!! who better than BARACK??? YESSSSSSSSS!!!!

  12. Wow you must know something no one else does!

    You better hope you get attacked by a pitbull and not a Hockey Mom!  

    You'll have lipstick in your wounds!

    I will vote for the BEST hope for our country - McCain-Palin!

    People who are contemplating obama-Biden have not seriously considered what a do-nothing know-nothing candidate BHO is.

    BHO is the least qualified, least dignified Presidential nominee from either party since the party system was initiated!

  13. Maybe you haven't noticed but that's because of the fact that it's all about conservatives and liberals now. You don't think Obama did the same? If not you would be wrong

  14. I truly would love to know why these so called conservatives remain loyal to such a warped political party. I mean geez they keep saying the same things over and over again. It actually makes me nauseated to know that there are many people in this country that actually believe anything these con artists have to say over and over. ENOUGH!!!

  15. And Biden's speech was written by Congress right?  And Obama's speech was written by his 300 foreign advises right?  Go figure.

  16. What about d**k Morris? you know the guy who wrote Bill Clintons speaches, maybe you should check out his website and see what he has to say about Obummer. Also I didn't see any rep, in denver promoting Obummer as a change canadite, you know why? because Obummer is 95% party line voting!!

  17. h**l yeah!

    Did the Revereand Wright compose Barrack Hussein Obama's speeches?

    McCain/Palin 08

  18. I have heard political speechs that move me, made me think and were amazing.  This was not one of them.  It sounded a bit catty at times and a bit too cute at times.  Huckabee gave the best speech the rest were rather tepid and predictable.

    Long on misrepresenting Obama short on policy.  I give her a C+ for content and a  B for delivery.  If she seems great you do not watch enough of some of the Senators and Congress people both female and male Republican and Democrat during hearings on CSPAN. Many  give better speeches than that even when just addressing a few people in the Senate.

  19. i don't give a flyin' flip who wrote the speech.  This woman is a bad**s and I'd loved to see her as VP.  i think it is clear this isn't more of the same.

  20. Actually, no.  It's got her views and personality fully in it.  If you had really listened instead of being quick to judge, you might be changing your vote about....two hours ago eastern time.

  21. Proof for that?  Not saying it wasn't written for her; even Obama's speeches are written for him.  To make that claim, you need to back it up.

  22. Aren't everyone's speeches written by someone else?


  23. No! Simply stated, a fascist government always has one class of citizens that is considered superior (good) to another (bad) based upon race, creed or origin.  It is possible to be both a republic and a fascist state. The preferred class lives in a republic while the oppressed class lives in a fascist state.

    Until the Civil Rights act of 1964, many parts of the US were Republic for whites and could be considered fascist for non-Caucasian residents. Fascism promotes legal segregation in housing, national resource allocation and employment. It provides legal justification for persecuting a specific segment of the population and operates behind a two tiered legal system.  These two tiers can be overt as it was within n**i Germany where Jews, Homosexuals, Catholics, Communists, Clergy and the handicap were held to one set of rules and courts, while the rest of Germany enjoyed different laws.

    Or it can be implied and held up by consensual conspiracy, (people know it is wrong but do nothing to stop it or change it.  Through lack of action, they give consent), as it was in the deep South for African Americans and others of color. In Fascism, one segment of society is always considered less desirable, sub-human or second class.

    (Note: no single government is pure anything.  Most have elements of several structures with one dominant structure).  Below is the political definition and general characteristics of a fascist country. TOP

    general characteristics

    of a fascist country:

    1. Fascism is commonly defined as an open terror-based dictatorship which is:

        * Reactionary: makes policy based upon current circumstances rather than creating policies to prevent problems; piles lies and misnomers on top of more lies until the truth becomes indistinguishable, revised or forgotten.

        * Chauvinistic: Two or more tiered legal systems, varying rights based upon superficial characteristics such as race, creed and origin.

        * Imperialist elements of finance capital: Extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political domination of one state over its allies.

    Though a dictatorship is the most common association with fascism, a democracy or republic can also be fascist when it strays away from its Tenets of sovereignty.  In the 20th Century, many Fascist countries started out as republics.  Through the use of fear, societies gave up their rights under the guise of security.  Ultimately these republics morphed into Fascist states.

    2. Fascism is an extreme measure taken by the middle classes to forestall lower-working class revolution; it thrives on the weakness of the middle classes. It accomplishes this by embracing the middle-class' love of the status-quo, its complacency and its fears of: TOP


          Generating a united struggle within the working class




          Losing its own power and position within society

    In a more simplistic term the people currently in control fear that if they allow equal rights and equal consideration to those being oppressed, they will become oppressed and lose everything.  Generally those in power are of a smaller segment of society, but they hold the wealth and control of key systems like manufacturing, law, finance and government position, (i.e. the slave owners in the south prior to the civil war) and the oppressed vastly outnumber them, (the slaves during the same period).

    In reality it is the oppressors' fear of retribution by the oppressed that perpetuates fascism;  for justification they dehumanize, demonize, strip them of rights, add new laws, restrict movement and attempt to control them by whatever means possible to prevent an uprising.  It is very common in a fascist system to have the oppressed referred to as sub-human, animals, terrorists, savages, barbarians, vermin or any other term designed to create justification for the acts of terror and fascism perpetrated on the oppressed. Via dehumanization society can then accept that the oppressed are incapable of thinking or acting in a peaceful manner or taking care of themselves, and thus society is exonerated from culpability in their own minds.   Propaganda, not persuasion, logic or law, is the tool of fascism, though at times very difficult to spot.  It specifically rides the fact that negative behavior is innate, (born with) rather than a logical behavior in response to oppression. Propaganda also empowers the oppressors with elitism racially, socially, intellectually and/or spiritually.

  24. yes.  and I agree with anderson cooper, why didn't anyone ask who wrote Obama's speech?  how come everyone only focuses on Palin's?

  25. And like Obama has had content? He's all bells and whistles.

    Get real, everyone hires speech writers.

    Yep, I finally made up my mind and I'm voting McCain/Palin.

  26. Better to have that, than to have the KOS, Osama Bin Laden, and Code Pink write the speech.

  27. You must be a democrat!  For 8 years?  Where do you get your information?  You apparently did not view her presentation either, because I got the gest of it completely!  Barrack wants to further tax everything including our paychecks!  Right after the presentation a commentator said "Talking with one of Palins constituents,'Palin is exactly how she presented her words, although there may have been a line or two written by another"  Do your homework before passing on more untruths, you are certainly following the lying candidate you represent, you do Obama proud!

  28. lol talk about speech writers.half of obamas is stolen merchandise and never written by him.

  29. All the standard BS.

    The Democrats will raise taxes, but leaving out the clarifications that they will raise the taxes of only the wealthiest Americans.

  30. Yes. You  think Obama writes his own speeches.  

    You just mad she is giving Obama competition.

  31. I won't vote for Obama who has over 300 Foreign Policy Advisors and couldn't make a decision on the Russia/Georgia conflict until 3 days later....  

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