
Will you watch O'Reilly make the Community Organizer stutter, uhm and ahh tonight at 8PM EST?

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O'Reilly will have the Organizer uhming and ahing through the whole interview. O'Reilly will not allow teleprompters to be present.




  1. I bet you Bill orally will back down if he tries to attack Obama. will he ask him about his loufas?

  2. Actually, Obama is very good at interviews.  I've seen him several times.  You don't make it through Harvard Law School at the top of your class by being stupid.

  3. No, but I might watch Obama eloquently answer his questions.  I doubt you or the rest of his audience will recognize clear and well thought out answers to questions.

  4. well i just watched the first part of the interview! and as i thought , he would not answer questions in a yes or no manner, why is that so hard for the man to do. he is so evasive. i like straight talk , when my parent asked me a question as a child, i answed yes mame or no mame why is that so freaking hard for him to do? that just tells me THAT we dont need! with Mccain you get a straight answer always not this uh ah um c**p, cant go for that! i am sorry but i like honesty in a candidate and i want to know what he is gonna do. and i get it , he just cant be honest and staright forward, so that tells me even more he cant be trusted with the toughest job in the world ! no way!

  5. It has become a favorite pastime of mine to count the number of "uhhhs" and "ummms" when Obama answers a question.  It's comical.

  6. I don't subscribe to cable, so I'll wait to read about it in the Paris Business Review.

  7. O'Reilly is a waste of time

  8. i will get back to you after the interview..

  9. I hope Obama asks O-Reilly about the three million setllement he paid for the obscene phone calls to an associate producer.

    "I'm sorry Bill. I don't remember. Did she ever tell you what color her panties were? And where was the hand that wasn't holding the phone?"

  10. I am so looking forward to this interview.

    Finally a member of the media is going to ask him hard questions, with follow ups, instead of the easy open ended pitches the rest of the media gives him so he can hit them out of the park.

    The last member of the news media that asked him hard questions in an interview was Charlie Gibson, and Obama was horrible in that interview.

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