
Will your atheism help you resist your desire to rape an attractive girl, ?

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If you two happened to be together and alone for a night?

Will you be driven by any empathy if you know she is also an atheist?




  1. Rapists come from all over the religious spectrum.  

    How could you ask such a seriously ridiculous question?

  2. It seems that religious beliefs have little, if any, influence over sexual action-- as is evident in the enumerable cases of sexual abuse of boys by Christian priests; or polygamy and incest by radical bible-toting local pastors; and so on.

    While your question is less a question, and more a blank accusation that atheists are more inclined to commit rape, I will be logical to address your ignorant predisposition.

    You need only bear in mind that the greatest atrocities have been committed in the name of god, none other--and nothing being said of proclivity.

    I am not atheist, and I am not religious, and perhaps your query regarding the attractive girl indicates some flaw in your own character and esteem. How can you say you wouldn't rape her? Speak for yourself before you make stupid accusations in the form of queries.

    Also, your presupposition that atheism is tantamount to apathy only suggests that you are in dire need of an education.


    You, in your ignorant query, also imply that religion serves some moral ground for NOT raping a girl. That is, you do not rape a girl because you are religious (because you will burn in h**l for raping a girl).

    Now tell me who is a better human being:

    One who does not rape lest eternal damnation


    One who does not in the name of compassion and humanity?

  3. It depends on your beliefsand morals... And it dosen’t matter if you’re atheist Or christian- it’s your personal choice. Though sometimes religion does affect your morals, but this is not to say that if you’re atheist you have no morals or rules to govern your life- You still have a consience

  4. what the ****?

  5. Uh, how would atheism do that?  My common sense, knowledge of the consequences, respect for other individuals and, most importantly, the fact that I'm g*y, would all contribute to me not raping a girl.

  6. ask  a rapist not an atheist

  7. Atheism does not come into the factor of resisting at all, it is theism that should help you. Atheism, if anything, should remove the barriers, not help you to resist. I say SHOULD, keeping in mind that most people erroneously equate atheism with licence to do anything in the absence of all sense of morals and ethics.

  8. The problem with your kind of thinking is that you think atheists have no objective purposes for finding reasons for moral behavior. I think we have more--we have no god to fall back on, to ask for forgiveness.

    Atheism began as an offshoot of Naturalism as begun by the pre-Socratic Atomists. It replaced the world view of theism for 1000 years, until the time of Augustine.

    Naturalism deals with all sciences, but as for the humanities and man's need for morals, "human life, physical, mental, moral and spiritual, is an ordinary natural event attributable in all respects to the ordinary operations of nature; and that man's ethical values, compulsions, activities, and restraints can be justified on natural grounds, without recourse to supernatural sanctions, and his highest good pursued and attained under natural conditions, without expectation of a supernatural destiny. -- B.A.G.Fuller

  9. You can be a horrible and immoral man if you are religious or not. Or are you telling us here that the ONLY reason you don't rape someone is because of either hope of heaven or fear of h**l? If that's true, then I question whether it is admirable...?

    Plus, here's some very loving religious extracts about women:

    Talmud: "How can a woman have anything; whatever is hers belongs to her husband? What is his is his and what is hers is also his...... Her earnings and what she may find in the streets are also his."

    I Corinthians 11:3-10: "If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or shaved off, she should cover her head....neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason...the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head"

    Quran 4:34; "Men are overseers over women, by reason of that wherewith Allah hath made one of them excel over another...and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them."

    ...I'm of course not saying that religion goes hand in hand with subjugating women, just that the religious follower is by no means smelling of roses. If anything, if your only morals come from these books, then it's slightly worrying as to what interpretations people may take...

  10. I'm an atheist and i don't rape ppl,

    cuz i have a conscience!

  11. I don't rape people because I don't like to hurt innocent people....

    It always amazes me when someone says an Atheist can do anything because they don't think god will punish them.  Is that the only reason you don't rape people out of fear of the big man and not about hurting someone?  

  12. No, I wouldn't rape her.

    First off, I am against the initiation of force.

    Secondly, I wouldn't take any woman I could get. I take a woman who would have me earn her. A woman who wants me because of who I am and what I can bring to my life. She would be a value worth pursuing, and she would see me as a value worth having.

    To just take what I want? That's pathetic. I have more self-respect than that.

    Finally, I have exactly what I'm looking for in my wife. I made a promise to her regarding fidelity. One of the requirements to keep her is to keep my promises. As she is worth keeping, my promises to remain faithful are worth keeping.

  13. Hahaha.

    Its a relief that amoral people like you have religion. If not, you will be out raping every attractive girl you see.

    If a fairy tale book is the only thing that prevents you from ******* a little girl, can you consider yourself to be more moral than atheists who have moral planted in their brain rather than having "it" in some old book?

  14. poor altar boys and lambs.

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