
Will your faceshape start to be different as you lose weight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asian, so I got chubby cheeks, which I do not like, I'm not that fat, but if I do lose weight, will the chubby cheeks be gone?




  1. im half asian an also have chubby cheeks but its cause of my cheek bones when i lost weight my face was slimmer an my cheeks were 2  but my cheek bones stuck out the same i guess it depends on wat face shape u have

    thers round,oval,square,heart, and u can have  2 of them. the best shape is oval though so find out wat urs is then work with it like the right pair of shades or curtain hairstyles will help

  2. They will get smaller or go away all together.

    After I lost a bunch of weight my face looked almost completely diff.

    Make sure you have at least 1,200 calories a day. Break it up into 6 small meals of 200-300 calories each. Space the meals 3-4 hours apart.

    Cadio exercise 5 days a week at least in 30 min. - 60 min. sessions. If you skip one, don't freak out about it. Stay motivated.

    Weightlifting every other day! Eat lots of protein, drink only water and Crystal Light Energy, and get enough fiber/calcium.

    You may want to consider taking a multi-vitamin and calcium+vitamind d supplement.

    Good luck!

  3. If you have a noticeably large amount of weight to lose, then your face will change shape.

    If it isn't much, then it won't change much if at all.

  4. I had the same problem. I kind of still do, but since I started losing weight my face has started to look thinner. Depending on your body fat percentage (whatever that thing is called) you could start losing the chubbiness in your cheeks after a month or so.

    p.s I'm half asian too!

    To Clockwork:

    Not everyone can eat the same amount of calories. Depending on how tall or short or fat or thin someone is depends on their food amount. Say a 200 pound person just decided to eat only 1200 a day. He's going to hurt his metabolism. He has to take it slowly and bring down his calorie intake as he loses weight.

  5. I'm not sure...but you should take a look at nicole richie before and after she lost weight...her face looks completely different and she no longer has those chubby cheeks so yeah i guess it's possible.

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