
William Ayers and Obama and the Anna Burg challenge?

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what is this all about and do any of you Obamanites know about this at Obama really a Communist..I say yes...




  1. No one would ever admit it, but the evidence is all around.  Unions are known for pro communist activities.

    Have some of  the "Goals of Communism" come true

    (I've listed  only 5)   Actually its the 45 Goals of Communism (1963), (Library of Congress) -you can google it.

    1. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

    2.  Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

    3. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

    4. Get control of the schools.

    5. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.  

  2. Ayers is a close consultant to Obama. He was the head of the Weather Underground radical group of the 60's that bombed buildings and killed people and who was probably set up by the CIA to create civil unrest and discredit the political movements of liberals at that time. He's on the FBI wanted list and should be in jail. The fact that he isn't points to possible ties to US intel covert actions.

  3. He has been a communist since he was very young. That is what Black Liberation Theology and David Cone is all about.  

  4. The records were just released as the result of a law suit filed by journalists.  The Obama campaign tried to block the release, and has now mounted a major campaign against the media reporting on it. They have generated over 100,000 emails to TV and radio stations as well as a complaint to the US Department of Justice asking for a criminal investigation of a 527 that aired an ad on the case.

    They have also retained an attorney, a former operative for MoveOn, who is contacting donors to the McCain campaign "warning" them against donating to 527s.

    Here's a summary:

    In late 1993, Bill Ayers, now an associate professor of education at the University of Illinois Chicago Circle Campus, organized a team to put together a grant proposal to secure nearly $50 million from the Annenberg Challenge.  The money was to be used by Ayers and co. to bolster the radical Local School Councils reform project that Ayers and Obama had championed back in 1988 through the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools.

    The grant application was successful and in early 1995 Barack Obama was named chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.  Ayers was named co-chair of the Challenge's operative and strategic body, the Chicago School Reform Collaborative.  Ayers and Obama work together for the next five years on raising an additional $60 million in matching money from local foundations and corporations and using the money to intervene in the governance of the Chicago public schools.

    The Challenge through a multi-million dollar Leadership Development Initiative intervened in the School Council elections in the middle of what was known as the Chicago School Wars. At the same time Chicago Mayor Richard Daley was pushing, successfully, to gut the power of the Councils.

    The Chicago Annenberg Challenge paid for a team headquartered at the University of Chicago to assess the impact of the more than $100 million they spent in Chicago public schools over that six year period,1995-2001.

    Their conclusion in a 250 page 2003 report was that the money had no impact at all: test scores in schools that received money from Annenberg went up, but at the same rate as all other schools in Chicago. There was, in the words of the report, “no Annenberg effect."


  5. And McCain is the Manchurian Candidate

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