
William Lyon Mackenzie tried to convince his followers that it would not be violent. How?

by Guest65985  |  earlier

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William Lyon Mackenzie tried to convince his followers that it would not be violent. How?




  1. First of all this has nothing to do with Royalty. Second what would not be violent?

  2. Is William Lyon Mackenzie royalty?

  3. In Upper Canada (as in Lower Canada), part of the population was critical of how the political elite governed the colony. Matters of contention included political patronage, policies on education, the economy and land grants (particularly clergy reserves) and the favoritism shown to the Anglican Church.

    The reformers took control of the House of Assembly in 1828 and in 1834, but were unable to effect the desired changes. The arrival of Lieutenant-Governor Francis Bond Head, meant to win over the reformers, did not achieve the expected outcome. Head adopted a confrontational attitude and helped elect Conservatives. Moderate reformers like Robert Baldwin were defeated as a result. This played in favor of William Lyon Mackenzie and his more radical approach.

    Initially, W. L. Mackenzie wanted to pressure the colonial authorities and government by urging a boycott of imported goods, encouraging political unions and associating with reformers from Lower Canada. In late summer 1837, however, he abandoned non-violent tactics and turned increasingly toward armed revolt. In early December 1837, W. L. Mackenzie and nearly 1000 men met at Montgomery's Tavern in Toronto to attempt to overthrow the government. Between 200 and 300 volunteers and militiamen, whom the government had won over to its cause, drove back the rebels. Three days later, between 1000 and 1500 Loyalists marched on the tavern and forced the rebels to flee. The rebellion was almost over. A few skirmishes broke out in 1838, but none posed much threat to the government.  

    I believe what started out as a relatively peaceful attempt to change the government turned to be violent in Mackenzie's zeal for change.


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