
Williams sisters are total opposites behaviour wise.yet most tennis fans don't notice that.why?

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Its very clear how different those two are.For one, they don even look alike.Serena is bigger, Venus is tall and lean, not even mascular.

Serena is the spoilt lil sister, often too self-centered and too much of a diva.Venus is the reserved big sister, often just looking after her lil sister..sometimes i think she only backs up Serena bcoz she doesn't want her to get mad at her or something.

I have a feeling Serena takes too much after their father.Heck, she even look like their father, while Venus looks a lot more like their mother.Everytime i see their mother i see an older version of Venus.

I'm a fan of both sisters but Venus is the coolest, most likeable sister.




  1. Serena is the younger, wilder, more outgoing sister with the spunk and outrageous personality and she isn't spoiled she's just the more emotional one and she shows them on court more than Venus. I know Serena has smashed her raquet in anger and frustration and Venus just breathes and relaxes but I mean any tennis player whose ever had a frustrating match has done it.Serena is very hard on herself so when she makes mistakes she gets upset because she believes in herself and knows she can do better than that. Venus is laidback, refined, easygoing, and pretty quiet. She really looks after her little sister because it's just human nature and in hers. But in the media there the Williams sisters or Venus and Serena, so it might not seem like nobody notices the differences in personality but I'm sure they know how different they are, but sisters are always going to have different personalities. Neither one of them ever makes any kind of fusses at stupid calls they just say whatever and move on to the next point.  I personally like both of them and I have enjoyed watching them play since the beginning and still will until they retire.

  2. most tennis fans won't notice because they tend to think of the williamses as a pair, not as individuals. It's always "williams sisters" or "venus and serena." mostly commentators and the media have brought this on by they do have totally different personas.

    Serena is not spoiled, but she is just a little sister, and that's how they act. Venus is the older one, and tends to look after Serena. As they have grown older, they have picked up some of each other's traits, but they still remain two different people with different personalities.

    Venus is a bit more regal and refined while Serena is more exotic and emotional. They may be in their mid 20s, but if you have followed them over the years and have watched their interviews and reality show, they are still little girls on the inside. Sister to sister.

  3. well they should be different because they are different people.

  4. u are rgiht....

  5. They are looking at their physical attributes.

  6. How right you are and I have always made a point of differentiating between them. venus is usually gracious in           triumph or defeat but we all know how arrogant Serena can be when she wins and what a poor loser she can be.

    I'm not a fan of Serena because of this but Venus's tennis is great to watch and her behaviour on and off court doesn't make me feel like throwing something at her.

  7. Venus is more reserved and Serena is more outgoing. I like both sisters and I think people are overracting when they talk about Serena. Yes she's a bit fiesty but I'll take her attitude over that Jelena, the one who complains all the time.

    Its funny that people don't talk about how Serena and Venus hardly ever complain about calls, they take the calls and move on. They've done this since they started playing, despite some calls being wrong.

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