
Willl the self imposed ignorance of creationists Destroy the US?

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I've recently heard the question asked "If humans are descended from primates, why are primates still here?" It becomes obvious that these people are very ignorant & don't even realize a primate is the order to which humans belong.

In addition, they do not understand the term "theory" & will not accept anything to which the term is applied. Perhaps we should designate places where they can test the theory of gravity... such as the cliffs of Dover & the Grand Canyon? I find they distrust all scientific inquiry & tend to do their best to r****d research... unless it benefits them or supports their narrow view.




  1. What I don't understand is you grouping together all creationist as ignorant. That we self impose ignorance on us and your children. There are more people in the world that believe in creationism than the theory of evolution. Most people get caught up with the six day of creation. In some creationist God created our world in 144 hours but it does not say that it says six days. A day is a period of time, we don't the length.

  2. No, but it is scary how things have changed over the last 40 years. Ignorance itself is nothing new, but the "respect" it has gained in the Republican Party is. As long as our universities can educate enough people in the sciences, and as long as scientifically  and mathematically educated immigrants continue to come to the US, we will survive. Thank God or whoever, Creationists are not against all science. As a former teacher, I know public school teacher often give little attention to evolution because of personal fear of "difficulties." I know I was always v-e-r-y careful in my choice of words.


    Before you go calling people ignorant, maybe you should satisfy you own ignorance by reading the above information.

  4. Gravity is not a theory? Wow.  That was one of the things that I use as a milestone for science.  When we figure out what gravity is we will have gone a long way.  How can there be a law about something that we don't have the vaguest idea what it is.  Anyway, I digress.

    They seem to have that question just about every day.  It is sad, but I have long since come to take for granted the ignorance of the general public on biology, let alone those that learn creationism as fact.  It seems sometimes to me that some preacher somewhere is encouraging his minion to go out and challenge those on the internet spreading lies about evolution.  If anything should be a law, it is evolution with mountains of evidence supporting it.

  5. I don't mean to be insulting, but the irony amused me of commenting on the fact that they do not know what "theory" is, in terms of the scientific definition, when you misused the term as well.

    Evolution is theory... Relativity is theory... It is the Law of Gravity. Not a theory...

  6. Einstein explained the " how " of gravity and it is a well defined theory that explains how gravity works.

    Theories are the highest concept in science  and include laws, which are just repeated observations. Laws are about as uninteresting as facts. Theory is never promoted to Law, fact, or anything else!

    Now, to creationists. I fear that it may come to the sword. You will note that even the meanest creationist has no objection to modern scientific weaponry. That is why we need to educate the fence sitters before it us too late.

  7. I think it already has begun, Ed...

    Creationism, which is only supported by the Republican party, has begun to reveal our weaknesses, in refusing to make advances in stem cell research, while other countries have made leaps and bounds ahead of us...

    Our youth's science scores have dropped from the top ten in the world, 20 years ago, to somewhere into the 30's today...

    Creationism is nothing more than a license to STOP thinking...

    When the US wants technological specialists, often we have to import the best researchers & scientists from other countries, while we can still afford to...

    The Bible-Belt, which has found its niche in American politics, is like the rot inside an apple, which looks perfectly edible from the outside, until you bite into it...

  8. burnination

  9. It certainly seems tempting to believe this when I see some of the questions and answers on Yahoo!

    Either America has a lot of very bad science teachers and some of the dumbest teenagers on the planet  who think its not cool to be seen reading science books or visiting a library or theres a lot of ten years old pretending to be older so they can legally post?

    I think junior high classes in American and elsewhere need to include basic instruction in problem solving reasoning argument and logic either in maths science or English classes?

    Perhaps as a counter measure or balance this could be compulsory in any school that teaches creationismm or ID or uses text books that mention them?

  10. This is more of a statement of your belief rather than a question. However my response to your "question" is, life is the only thing to bring about life. So where did the first life forms come from? Did rocks or gases just evolve into living things?

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