
Wilson K factor K tour worth demoing?

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I am a aggressive baseliner who hits the ball hard, and relatively flat. I sometimes use a lot of topspin.

I currently use the Prince Ozone seven and want a more control oriented racket with comfort.

Im thinking about trying out the K tour because it's in my price range and seems to fit what I want. Has anyone tried it and recommends it? (BTW It is Justine Henin's racket and also Davenport's current racket)




  1. Interesting that you bring this up. I'm debating basically the same.  I like my Prince, and I like a heavy racquet, but I was told by a pro that it is too stiff for my game.  I tried one of the K tours, but I didn't like how it was strung. I'm picky about my strings.

    I would demo it, though, why not.  I tried the ZEN, but not sure I like it too much. I'll try some others.  When you demo a racquet, the money you pay to demo it gets subtracted from your new racquet purchase, so you don't really lose out. Even if you end up getting a diff racquet.

    Who are you demo'ing from? A local store?

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