
Wimbledon Weather?

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Apparently, weather stations say that it will be heavy showers on thursday at wimbledon and I am going. Yestersay metcheck sais that it would be sunny intervals. What is heavy showers and how long will they last for and how will they affect Wimbledon?




  1. It is very humid today/tomorrow at Wimbledon.

    You will see a lot of play but short, heavy showers are on their way.

    Bring umbrella.

  2. Its suppose to rain a lot tomorrow. Im hoping it doesnt wimbledon have had pretty good weather soooo far this year :) yay! C`mon Nadal cant wait to see him beat Murray in straight sets.

    Vamos Rafa

  3. wimbeldon is like glasto!!! it wouldnt be wimbeldon if rain didnt stop play

  4. Wimbledon weather is always unpredictable as the moods of the players... it pays to always be ready... bring a raincoat in case it will rain, and a hat with a fan in case if it will be too humid...and don't forget to bring a lot of enthusiasm... to be captivated with what you will behold...
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