
Wimbledon-Williams Sister Questiom?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering who is the youngest

and who has won Wimbleon the most amount of times





  1. serena is younger

    serena is seed 6 while venus is only

    but venus has won it 3 times and serena 2

  2. serena is older

  3. Serena has won it twice and Venus has won it 4 times.  Serena is the youngest.

  4. Serena is the youngest I'm not sure about the other bit of the question

  5. Serena is the youngest- she is 26 while Venus is 28.

    Venus has won Wimbledon 4 times while Serena has won twice.

  6. Wimbledon Williams?

    There's 3 of em???

  7. serena is the youngest . venus has won more times

  8. serena is the youngest  she is 26 and venus is 28

    and venus has one wimbledon the most hope this helps

  9. Venus has won 4 times

    Serena has won 2 times

    Serena is a year younger the venus

  10. serena is the yougest and her sister had won 4 times before she even one 2 times

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