
Win 100 medals in 2012?

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Do you think the U.K. has a shot at winning 100 medals at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games?




  1. No. They don't have enough athlete no matter how much they expand and because they're broke, so no $ to train those athletes. Even with that, they would have to compete w/ U.S, China and Russia.

    And yes, that is if the world doesn't end first.

  2. No, the committee that controls the Olympics, and all the relevant departments that are involved make a list of the likely medal winners, and determine a figure that is feasible for the British athletes, going on data accumulated over time. That way they get a fairly balanced objective and the medal tally is based on these calculations. Having said that, Team GB far exceeded the expectations and calculations of the committee for 2008. But to get the 100 haul would take a truly super human achievement.

    for some reason someone on here seems to think our athletes are relying on dollars not pounds, the country is going through a very bad patch but so  is everyone else, but we are not broke. Plus look at the population of US 700 million, China 1.5 billion, UK  70 million, and see that its not exactly a level playing field. Add to the fact that UK has not invested as much overall as most of the other countries who competed and you can see that we did remarkably well in consideration.

  3. Not in the least, as they will not go all out in a massive athletics profgram

  4. its possible

  5. i think coz the Olympics are coming here the government is gonna get the best athletes we have seen yet, we are gonna go all out on this one and prove to the world we can win

  6. Not at all.

  7. No.. the top 3 nations will always be China, USA and Russian Fed.

    But they have a solid hope to be the 4th, like in this Olympics...beating Germany and Australia.

  8. Probably not, they didn't even win 50 theses games...

    Unless USA, Russia and China all dieee!

  9. Not a chance.  They're simply not a power house/athlete-churning machine like US, Russia, and China.  The only time they've ever topped 100, let alone 50, was in 1908, and well..... there wasn't nearly as much competition then as there is today (only 22 nations, compared to 204 of this year).  I don't know.... with the home boost.... 60s tops.

  10. no because by 2012 planet x is supposed to release large amounts of vaginal discharge which had been stored into it by the NASA program onto the planet earth and humanity shall all drown in menstrual blood by then.

  11. I think it's unlikely but you never know. But I think look at our population compared to our medal tally- then look at the populations of the USA and China- we aren't doing badly are we?!

  12. as long as the world doesn't end first

  13. Yes, if the US ,Russia and China boycott the Olympic.

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