
Winching, Rolling capacity: 9400lbs Pulling Capacity 3000 lbs

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I Have purchaced a winch and wish to use it for Winching recovery of vehicles, it has the following spec

Rolling capacity of 9400lbs


Pulling Capacity 3000 lbs.

My Gross Vehicle weight is 4508 lbs

Is the pulling or rolling capacity more inportant when using for recovery of vehicles

Is this adiquate for recovering my vehicle?




  1. Depends on where it is. But my (non expert) opinion follows.

    The 3000 lb spec is the important one.

    You can pull only 3000 lbs, so you can't lift the vehicle up a vertical cliff. If you have to pull it up a steep slope, you have to do some calculations. For example, with a 45 degree slope and little friction, you can pull 1.4*3000 or  4200 lbs.

    Rolling capacity is not a very useful specification unless it specifies exactly what the surface and angle is. On a very smooth level surface you can pull 9400 lbs with only a few hundred pounds of force.


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