
Wind Mills; The destroyer of birds! Many birds are needlessly?

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destroyed by these bastions of environmentalism.

Instead of bringing evil on the bird communities, we should build friendly Nukes that are not only the most efficient power in existence, but provide clean energy that we will need for the twenty-first century, and do not destroy birds in the process.




  1. I agree with you about the nuke energy but if birds are dumb enough to fly into giant white objects the size of skyscrapers then I say darwin's rules should apply.  Sorry but i need energy to keep anwering questions on Yahoo anwers and the wind is howling tonight.  Go windmills go!!!

  2. You people cant be happy with nothing can you?

  3. Their are many things that can be done to prevent birds from flying into them but, I think the death of a few birds we can afford more than the death of millions of people with a nuclear power plant. Not to mention giving the terrorist an easier target to do so!!!!! Their is no such thing as a friendly nuke as of yet, but many other things are being developed as well other than just wind power. If we all have the patience to wait, there will be more sources of energy created. With gas and food prices going higher, it will definately increase the demand for other sources, cause from the need of many is what fuels invention. I hope the gas prices go higher so, it will finally wake people up to a new way instead of just complaining about it on one hand, and with the other, say that their is no such thing as global warming.

  4. Domestic CATS kill close to 1000 times as many birds as windmills do in the US.    Tall buildings that leave their lights on at night kill close to 1000 times as many birds as windmills do.    Cars kill 6000 times as many birds as windmills do.    The bird choppers you like to bring up are the ones built in the '70's.    If a bird cannot avoid a blade that's turning at 4-10 rpm, they deserve to be taken out of the gene pool.    You are bringing up a old, worn out argument against windmills that just doesn't cut it anymore with the new ones.   Then you go so far as to say nukes are efficient!    Most costly form of power ever invented if you take in the whole cost from design to final decommissioning.

  5. Our local nuclear power station is built in a bird reserve.

    so it has considerable wildlife impact, all the increased traffic for workers, and the decomissioning is going to truck out the contaminated parts and not use the railway line that the fuel-rod flasks go on.

    And for the stuff that is staying on site they will need to engineer huge sea defenses as it is on a fast eroding coast - it will be an island long before the material is safe for environmental release.

    nuclear is not clean when all the anclillaries and life-time processes are included. eg bored armed security forces taking pot-shots at bitterns.

    But regardless of technical considerations nuclear is not a real world solution because US/isreal will bomb anyone they don't like gettting nuclear and any friend of the US their nuclear plants will be trageted in return.

    what energy do we need? vs what energy do people persuing holywood fantasys want?

  6. Hello

    Some times Birds are killed by Wind Mills.

    We need Wind Mills for  producing Energy.


    For Saving Birds, We can Paint the Fan in and entire system in RED COLOUR, so that Birds have identify the RED COLOUR and divert his Flying.


    We can tie a RED FLAG on Head of Wind Mill ( opposite direction to Fan)

    I have seen in Wind Mill Farm in Tamil Nadu-India with RED Flag.


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