
Wind Turbines kill birds?

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How about coal-fired power plants exhaust?

Florida's coal-fired power plants released 2,182 lbs of mercury in 2001, ranking them #15 in the nation as reported by the 2003 report Toxic Neighbors.[3] The report also ranks Florida #4 in the nation total toxic chemical releases from coal-fired power plants, including dioxin, lead, and arsenic.

The annual addition of 1/70th of a teaspoon of mercury is enough to contaminate a 25 acre lake to the point where the fish are unsafe to eat.





  1. Really? I understand some birds, like sparrows and crows, have really bad eyesight, so who cares? What will animals do to us, if we saved them? I don't care is they die, that's their problem, not ours! LIsten to me you environmental people, learn to make the human species advance in technology!Focus on yourself and your own people FIRST, THEN the environment. THe humans are still very bad.

  2. If all the liberal "Environmentalists" hadn't killed our Nuclear Power program, We could now be producing a lot less CO2 and would not have so many Coal Plants and Wind turbines to worry about.

    Now the same b******s are crying and blaming it all on energy companies. The utility energy companies tried to tell them it was the only viable option. But nooooo, the cool aid drinkers always know best. Dealing with a liberal is like trying to deal with an Islamic Radical. Facts and truth mean nothing, the onlything they will even consider is their "Religion"

  3. Wind turbines are part of the furture of energy independence.  

    Coal fired plants are nothing compared to the toxic nature of an actual coal mine.  The run off from a mine creates superfund cites all over this country.

  4. you already answered  your question

  5. Wind energy is not effective in most of the country.  Check the link.  If your region is not a class 4 or above then you probably won't see any turbines built.  The largest wind energy producers are southwest Minnesota, Northwest Iowa, and California.

  6. Wind turbines can be placed out of the way of the migratory path of birds, pretty much negating this problem.  

    Coal power plants spew that toxic garbage around to anything that breathes.

  7. How much power do Florida's coal fired plants produce?  Several thousand megawatts?  

    How much power does a wind turbine produce?  A megawatt?  750 kilowatts?  

    Want to replace the coal fired plants with wind turbines?  Be prepared for thousands of wind turbines.  That is the simple arithmetic that proponents of wind turbines willfully ignore.

    Be prepared for brownouts, blackouts and maybe exploding power transformers on an irregular but frequent basis.  

    I know that wind turbines don't kill birds in any significant numbers.

  8. Offshore wind is the way to go.

    5 megawatt turbines out there can produce as much whine as they like.

    New designs will become more efficient.

    At the end of their service, how much pollution will they generate? - less than a 1 truck. Compare that to any other form of power generation.

    They are a key part of - not the ultimate replacement of other methods.

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