
Wind energy?

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where does wind get the energy




  1. it doesnt get energy but it can help create it

  2. From the energy generated by the sun.  

    The solar radiation causes temperature differences in the atmosphere which causes the air to move.

  3. The wind turns a propeller that then turns an electrical generator which creates electricity. When the wind stops blowing the generation of electricity stops as well.

    Hydroelectic power is probably the best we humans have managed thus far: safe, clean, renewable, reliable and efficient.

  4. Wind is converted into energy by wind turbines, the the power of the wind spins the turbine which generates electricity.

  5. In regards to windmills (wind turbines) the potential energy of the wind causes the fins of the turbine to rotate, creating mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is in turn transformed into electrical energy by the machines inside the turbine.

    It's the same thing a dam does with rushing water, using wind instead.

  6. wind gets the energy by wind turbines if you asking wind gets the energy it is the oceans currents that generate energy

  7. its quite simple really they just put up windmils and when they spin from the wind they create alternitive electricty which we then  can use they only set back is when its not windy no electricity

  8. As other posters said, wind is caused by differences in earth surface temperatures, which makes air move. Windmills are a great way to produce electricity in areas with prevailing breezes. However, some animal lovers object to 'windfarms', which cluster many windmills in one area to take advantage of a particular area's 'windyness', because birds fly into the propellers and get killed. Of course, birds also fly into windows and get killed, but you don't see those same people who object to windmills living in windowless structures as a result, do you? Typical hypocrites.

  9. well the earth trys to balance everything out, because of that convection hot air moves to cold air zones and dense air to less dence areas and when the air moves thats how wind is made.

  10. From the depths of your bowels.

  11. the wind pushes the propellers that turns a generator which creates the electricity.. think of it this way

    your power goes out on your home and you need power, so you use your generator, well its the same principle butt instead of gasoline powering it, its the wind that is spinning the generator

  12. It all starts when there is a high pressure area and a low pressure area in the atmosphere. Air moves from the high pressure area to the low pressure area, making wind.

    Then the wind spins large impellers (not propellers. propellers spin, impellers are spun). This turns a shaft that moves large magnets past conductive coils (often something like copper). This causes a trade in electrons, making electricity.

  13. The wind (as well as all weather) is created by the effect of continuous sunlight heating up the atmosphere causing it to "boil" you might say.  So wind energy is thus another means of harnessing solar energy....more effective today than inefficient solar panels on the ground.
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