
Wind farm, solar system, waste to energy plant. which one is built cheaper? which one is better?

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there are loads of waste that need to be vanished, and it's very windy place and lots of cloud.




  1. Energy from waste is a very very foolish idea. You must not do that coz if you want power you will have to burn or do something else with the waste items and hence release toxic gases in the air + green-house gases which have already put this in a lot of trouble. If you are thinking of treating waste it would cost you more than ever. The best thing to do is stop creating waste and everything would be taken care of by itself.

    If you still have doubts about it feel free to contact me:

  2. Its hard to say, it depends where you live. If you live in TORNADO  country you have a windy problem and the same for Hurricane territory. this country I live in is earth quake territory. hard to say. Its not to say cheap. but all disasters are tripple in wind power. unless you build in the side of a mountain so no surprizes maybe.hard to say whether you'll be their in the morning unless we delete global warming first.

  3. Wind would be better provided you can overcome objections from the bird lovers and the noise haters.  Solar systems go dead at sunset.

    The best solution of all is nuclear power.

  4. Wind is better.  It costs little to put wind turbines up and does not take very much monitering.  The land under the turbines can still be used for farming.  There is enough wind in the US to power all our needs if we used it.  The only arguement against it is it causes "visual pollution".

    Solar energy still costs a lot to make the solar panels; the price will come down eventually as new solar technology comes about, but right now it is not plausible as the major source of energy.

    Incinerating waste does get rid of most of the waste problem, but it creates another problem: pollution.  No matter how "cleanly" it is burned, solar and wind energy is cleaner because they do not produce any pollutants.

  5. Waste to energy...takes care of two problems.  Contrary to the nay sayers, it can be done cleanly...

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