
Wind moves ball on green...1 stroke penalty?

by  |  earlier

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I'm watching the Player's Championship. Boo Weekley is on the putting surface and he addresses the ball. But before he can make the putt, the wind moves the ball. He is assessed a 1 stroke penalty.

My question is why? It is not his fault that the wind moved the ball. Does anyone know the specific rule in the rulebook that applies?




  1. Since it happened while he addressed the ball it is deemed to have been moved by his activity. If it had happened BEFORE he had addressed the ball than he would have to replace it w/o penalty.

  2. It's only if he grounds his putter. It is because they cant' tell for certain if it's the wind, or him moving the grass. At the British open, most players don't ground their putter on windy days for this very reason.

  3. If the player is on the putting surface and he ADDRESSES the ball and the ball moves, whether wind was responsible or not, the player is assessed a penalty of 1 stroke. See Rule 18. Ball at Rest  Moved. The key word is addressed,he has taken a stance in preparation for making a stroke.

  4. The rule (Rule 18-2) says that if the ball moves after  you take your stance and ground the club, you will be assessed a one-stroke penalty.

    If the ball moves after you ground your club, but before you take your stroke, you will most likely be assessed a one-stroke penalty for causing the ball to move, unless there is strong evidence that the wind caused it to move. (Decision 18-2b/4.)

    Another player's ball moved as the player was about to mark it. Since the player didn't take his stance or ground his club, he just waited until the ball finally came to rest about 20 feet closer to the hole. There was no penalty.

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