
Wind or solar energy? which one is better like the one which give off more energy in 24/7?

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Wind or solar energy? which one is better like the one which give off more energy in 24/7?




  1. it kind of depends if you live out in the open or in the woods if you live in the woods you're not going to get allot of solar energy. but if you live in the open you have a 50/50 chance solar is going to be only during the day unless stored in batteries and wind, well it depends if you have a reall windy day or not.

  2. If you are talking about the commercial wind & solar energy, neither is better.  They both have their pros and cons.  My husband works on the commercial wind turbines, so I'm very pro-wind.

    Wind turbines work when the wind blows.  Turbines are built where the wind blows (investors are not stupid).  Most of them are putting out power nearly 24 hours a day.  With the modern blade designs they can turn in very low wind conditions, and they can take very powerful wind storms also, before they have to shut down.  As I recall the blades on the G.E. turbines my husband works on can work in winds up to 65, or 70 mph.

    Still, there are day, no matter where they are put up, where the wind is not blowing, and output from the turbines is nil to very low.

    Commercial solar energy still costs 7 times what wind energy costs to produce.  That cost should go down, as technology improves.

    Commercial solar energy is produced with the sun heating the water up, and making steam.  So the commercial solar plants are actually producing steam energy.  

    If the clouds come in, there is less energy output.  The longer the clouds stay, the cooler the water gets.  Because the solar panels have heated up the water and made steam, the commercial solar works at night, but of course the power output drops off as the night progresses.  The longer and colder the night, the more power lost.

    There is no one that is the very best.  We need to invest in multiple types of alternative energies.  If the wind isn't blowing, the sun is shining.  If the sun isn't shining the tide is going in or out somewhere.  Combining three or more alternative types of energy is fantastic.  One of them will always be working.  


    Permculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  3. Your answer can very depending on geographical location.

    As example If you source a "wind" map you will find some areas of the country get more wind. And with solar usually the further north you go the less sunlight. Mountains usually restrict the sunlight but can be a constant source of wind. No blanket best answer.

  4. Solar energy cannot apply 24 hours, 7 days a week unless you store it in batteries; also it will not work on cloudy days.  Similarly wind energy cnnot be obtaines on windless days.  The best thing would be to have both together to supplement for one another.

  5. They have the same problem: both need to be stored.

    Solar energy is more constant so...

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