
Wind power Renewable Energy?

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Waht is likelyhood of wind power as being an important source of energy in the next 3 to five years.




  1. Like Bella just said. Wind power is already being used.  One commercial example is, Sydney Water will use wind power to power it's new desalination plant.

    Wind power technologies are also still developing and will have a greater role in the future.

    However, this being said. Wind power alone does not have the potential to replace current energy requirements. An effective combination of multiple green energy sources is required to meet energy demands. Green energy does have the potential to meet all our energy needs.

  2. This is already happening and in my opinion and in that of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC See link below) it will continue to increase in the next few years. GWEC  is 'forecasting that the global wind market will grow by over 155% to reach 240 GW of total installed capacity by 2012' With America and China leading the way.

    The IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) have recently commissioned a special report on renewable energy generation which is a key sign of growing interest.

    There has been increasing interest in home installation too as well people changing over to renewable electricity generated by wind farms.

    So in my opinion, it is very likely that it will become an increasingly important source of energy in the next three to five years.

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