
Wind power is bad?

by  |  earlier

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I heard a while back that a man was asked to take down a wind powered generator in his backyard, even though the registration and zoning laws were okay. Does anyone know where this was, and what the man's name was? Any site where I can find this? Thanks for any help.




  1. Never underestimate the power of local gvt.  All it had to be was a pissed off neighbor that had some power.  Never fight city hall.

  2. The propellers of some windmills are huge and extremely heavy. Ice can  build up and in strong winds these chunks of ice weighing up to 70 pounds can be thrown thousands of feet. Imagine a 70 pond block of ice hurling through the air hitting your house at 50 miles per hour. The benefit far outweighs the risk if they are placed appropriately.

  3. I believe it was in New Jersey, the neighbors complained that it made noise and they didn't like the way it looked, or something.
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