
Wind power??????????

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We have a lot of wind here in the Midwest US. I was just wondering why the heck we don't have more? I am very concerned about conserving fossil fuels and the environment. I think that we shoud decrease our fossile fuel usage by about 40%. It's a big stretch, but with new hybrid technology coming soon. and with exploring alternative energy sources. How can I write a letter convincing the government to make more wind plants even before the presidential election?






  1. There is going to be an expansion in the number of windmills in the midwest. The Midwest in the U.S is the Saudi Arabia of Oil.

  2. Do exactly what you just did. Find out the mailing address/ p.o box of your governor and or senator and write down you're ideas, along side a good, strong, practical defense. Make sure it makes sense and is not just some over-the-top hippy plea. Write it and rewrite a few times and get others to read it and critique it first. Be prepared to defend your ideas and be open to new ones. Good luck and may the force be with you.

  3. If you want some in Congress to pay attention, you need to send a big check with your letter. The actual content of the letter doesn't really matter.

  4. the problem with wind energy is that it isn't generated very efficiently. you would need enough wind farms to cover the entirety of new york to replace a single coal fired power plant - plus some people don't like the noise, worry about birds crashing into the blades and complain that turbines are eyesores. i personally think they look a lot nicer than a coal-fired plant!

  5. Join T. Boone Pickens..  i'm not kidding

  6. You should start small like writing letters to your congressperson.

  7. Do some research on wind power first. I have seen a few stories recently where people who live near wind turbines have horrible lives. Their sleep is screwed up, constant buzzing, the shadows of the blade spinning messing with them etc. Every energy source has something bad with it. Nukes have nuclear waste, oil is costly and dirty, wind is free but may have some health effects, etc. I don't think you can find the "perfect" source of energy without "hurting" other people somehow.

      Nice intentions though.
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