
Windows Movie Maker/Video editing help?

by  |  earlier

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i use a canon g9 to capture .avi footage. the footage plays fine in "zoombrowser" (the software canon gives with the camera), but when i import it into wmm to edit it, it doesn'yt play correctly. the video keps jumping and starting and stopping.

why is this? how can i fix it? cheers.




  1. Video formats supported by WMM are : .avi, .wmv, . asf, . mpg, . m1v, . mp2, . mp2v, . mpeg, . mpe, . mpv2, and .wm.

    Make sure if your video is compatible with wmm.

    If not, some video converters can help you, like wondershare video converter, which can convert popular format video to each other.

    And there is a nice tutorial about how to edit video with WMM:

    I think it would provide you with something helpful.

    And your problem is mentioned in part 1.

    If you still have any questions, you can send me an email or search for more answers on

  2. The video is in M-JPEG, a format that WMM doesn't handle well.  You can convert it to WMV or a relatively uncompressed avi with the free version of Prism Video Converter.

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