
Windows Vista, Battlefield 2, Inadequate O/S Privileges?

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I tried right clicking and running as admin, I tried right clicking and changing the security options, I tried turning off UAS. But Punkbuster still kicks me and tells me I was kicked because I have "Inadequate O/S Privileges."

What do I do now?




  1. I won't be of much help; I'm having the SAME Stupid Problem!! I bought Battlefield 2 for super cheap back in April and I STILL have yet to successfully connect to a good multiplayer game due to one thing or another.

    EA is on my last nerve, I swear. I think it'd be just as well I go back to BF Vietnam.

    ADD: Ok, I may have found the solution (haven't tried it yet). I just read that with Vista you have to Right-Click the BF2 Desktop Icon (or the Icon in the 'Start' Menu) and select 'Run as Administrator.' Apparently it should work if you do that. We'll see.

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