
Windows XP Won't Start

by  |  earlier

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My dad's Windows XP is broke so here goes.

When he starts it up it has a screen asking how he wants to start Windows - In safe mode, last known good configuration settings, normally etc. etc. On this screen it also says something about the fact that the computer could be doing this because of a hardware or software issue.

He selects one, he's tried each one, and every time it loads it comes to a screen that flashes for about a second, and I can make out something about "Dumping Physical Memory". Has anyone got any clue how to fix it? I need help desperately :(




  1. Windows dumping memory every time?? If any new H/W has been added, take it out. recovery console CD are a thing of the past.. I'd go with a format & recover, if there is no data worth paying 200$'s to save..

    If you do want to go for a format & recover,( all files would be lost) take out any H/W that did not come with the computer. Any additional PCI cards, Graphics cards, USB hubs, routers etc..Reboot & start tapping F10 as soon as you see the computer logo(BIOS screen) go through the steps..

    Heres a follow up guide:

    1) Format & recover the system.

    2) Install a good AV BEFORE you plug internet in.

    3) Update AV the FIRST thing when you go online.

    4) Enable windows Updates so that your computer has all the available patches. In fact I'd say after updating AV, go to & get ALL the updates.

    5) Now get a good Firewall if you have a always on internet connection.

    6) Get some good Anti Spyware/Malware too, SPybot "Search & Destroy" & "Ad-Aware" are what I use, they are good & they come free. Also get something like McAfee's Siteadvisor, which warns you which sites are knows sites for sending spyware/malware/spammers.

  2. At least you cant open your windows either you install a new windows such xp or vista you need or Use System Restore from CD windows

  3. Has anything been changed recently (hardware or software)?  If so, that could be the culprit.  You could also have a corrupt file.  I suggest using Recovery Console to run chkdsk on the hard drive.  Also, if that doesn't help, try doing a repair install on Windows.

  4. It sounds like a problem with the hardware.  Maybe the ram?  It could also be the software.....try to reinstall windows off the cd.  If you can, its probably the software.  If not open up the computer, blow out any dust, see if all the wires, and ram are seated firmly.  
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