
Windows XP or Vista?

by Guest65149  |  earlier

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I've heard people say not to get Vista. Why not? What are its defects?

Is Windows XP better?




  1. Vista's will get better with time. In the long run, get a Vista. NO MACS. The crappiest computers ever.

  2. Windows XP is the most stable OS for Windows. In Vista, there are some programs that are not compatible are needs some special attention to run it. Windows Vista still have bugs and that's why, some Vista users downgraded to Windows XP.

  3. Mac OSX 10 there are no defects!!! just 1000's of new features! :D

  4. i would say get vista, because personally i have had no problems whatsoever with it. Also microsoft is going to stop supporting xp soon.  One thing to keep in mind though is that vista needs a good computer to run on.  1 gig of ram minimum. 2 reccomended.  either way dont go to mac, its the os of dummys.

  5. go with xp it's more stable. vista has alot of problems right now but may get better with time. also your old componets like your printer scanner may not work with vista. vista needs at least 1GB of ram to run and uses abot 20 to 40 gigs of hard drive space.

  6. xp baby, all the time ,it's much easier to use. vista is a little faster, but hard to navigate it has a lot of security features that are supposed to be good for you, but i think they just get in the way, if you try to do something like open email there are so many hoops to jump through before you can even get to an attatched file. same with your personal files, there are questions like" an unauthorised program is trying to access" your computer, the program is one that's installed on your computer, it's ridiculous, to me anyway. but i think it will get better with time, and anyway you're going to get  vista with a new computer. we just have to deal with it. i'll never give up xp.

  7. It depends on how much your budget is because if you get windows Vista its best to get 1 gigabyte or more of RAM Because if you get 512 of RAM your computer and if you have Windows Vista the computer wont run fast when you install programs. But with Windows XP it really doesn't matter. Also with Windows Vista some programs may not support it.

  8. Don't go any near vista too many issues, there's nothing wrong with XP so why downgrade to vista?
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