
Windows XP users: Would you ever upgrade to Windows Vista?

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Windows XP users: Would you ever upgrade to Windows Vista?




  1. I work for a software company, I use various operating systems and I can tell you this.  If I was running a machine that already had XP on it, I probably wouldn't upgrade.  However Purchasing new computer with Vista on it, with my knowledge of tweaking things in operating systems I have absolutely no problem with Vista at all.

    To be honest, my year old Laptop with Vista on it has worked better so far in the first year than  my previous XP computer in it's first year.

    Don't upgrade though, vista's hardware requirements are much higher and no XP machine is equiped to handle it, even the supposed "Vista Ready" ones.

  2. no, mac user all the way

  3. heck no

  4. No. I heard that it wasn't that great.

  5. already did

  6. Has H*ll frozen over?

  7. Absolutely not!  XP is by far the best OS system Microsoft has put out!  I'm looking at buying a laptop after Christmas and am seriously considering switching to a Mac this time!

  8. I did and it sucks. Well it's not that bad but not as good as XP


  9. Yes.

    I like it better than XP because...

    Much easier to search your computer

    Much easier to find files, etc

    Much easier to get help from the computer

    Now Microsoft Works' word processer has a dictionary

  10. NO WAY

  11. No Way, vista is far too slow....

  12. Nope !  And its a b***h to get a factory Vista machine to run XP


  14. I got a new computer with vista and I HATE it. I don't like the look of it, and there are some glitches installing certain programs.  

  15. I'm not a Windows user, but if i was I would NOT

  16. NO

  17. h**l no..well only if microsoft decides to offer a real s**y masseuse, with food, that way the stress is balanced out

  18. LOVE VISTA- No really never had a problem-

    BUT I would never ever upgrade- I don't have any problems because I think it is on a new machine- Dual Core with 4gigs of RAM - You'll need at least 3 gigs and more if you have a slower processor

  19. if i did it'd only be because it can support more RAM. which is way legit. so, yeah, i guess i would

  20. hahaha good question... NEVER!!!!

  21. actually, i had no choice when i bought my new computer, as none of the new ones come with XP anymore. i hate it! it is nowhere near as user-freindly as XP. if i knew how to do an uninstall/install, i would gladly get rid of this vista for XP.

  22. h**l no! yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. No way. I love my XP way more.

  24. hellllllllllllllllllllllllllls no!

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