
Windows explorer encountering problems whenever i turn on the com

by Guest21295  |  earlier

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the dialog box saying that windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close comes up whenever i switch on the com. why?




  1. Scan your computer for viruses.If there isn't then you need to re-install windows Xp cause you have some system corrupted files.

  2. ---Reinstall? Are you bananas? Sorry, had to... lol.

    ---Are you getting past the boot screen? Able to log into your account and then it happens? Does it give you an error number?

    ---It might not be tragic. When booting up, tap the F8 key about once a second. It should need to be hit when the keyboard lights power up the second time, or immediately after the PC beeps once while booting. When you get to the black screen, select "Go back to 'last known good' configuration"

    ---If that doesn't work, try F8 after another reboot and select Safe Mode. Say Okay to the box that comes up letting you know you are in safe mode, then go to Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Restore and go back to the  restore point created "just before" you noticed this happening.

    ---If the windows log with scrolling loading bar shows, then goes away... and you get the BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) that says there is an error, my guess would be that you just installed another Drive (CD-ROM, HDD, etc.) and the drive has changed... or you changed C:\ or D:\ (your OS [Operating System] drive) to another letter and Windows cannot find your OS files.

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