
Windows messenger and other programs that start up when i start up my computer..i want to stop it

by  |  earlier

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Yah where can i go on my pc to see all the programs that start up with my pc.. and all of them... cos i want to stop it.. aspecialy windows messenger! thanks...




  1. open windows messenger go to tools > general  

  2. you can either open messenger and go into tools-general or go to the start menu and click on run and type in MSCONFIG and and click on startup and disable messenger.  

  3. If it is just MSN Messenger you want to kill on startup, you can do that from your MSN internal settings, untick start messenger when windows starts.  Alternatively go to Run>Msconfig and click the tab "start up" Uncheck everything you want to kill at startup but please check what things are before unchecking them, they might be essential! The easiest way to do this by googling the name of the process to identify its origins

    If you are using vista, click start and simply type MSCONFIG into the search box to open it. Hope this helps :D

  4. well then im assuming ur using either windows or vista so this shud work for both.

    Go to start - > run -> services.msc -> look for ur services and end them.

    To permantly disable on startup go to - msconfig -> serviecs/startup -> choose your services or startup prog and choose disbale or untick for startup on windows load :D


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