
Windows update isn't working...?

by  |  earlier

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For a while update hasn't been updating and I haven't really noticed because it used to be my dads laptop, so now when I try to download windows live messenger it doesn't work and comes up with an error, and I know how to fix that error but the problem is I can't get on windows update download what I need to.

I tried adding windows update to the trusted websites but that hasn't made a difference. I've used a proxy website but that didn't work either and I've also set my internet explorer settings back to default and it still isn't :|

It isn't my internet server because I just got a new one today and it's still doing the same thing...

So basically I don't know what else to try :(




  1. Turn off all your virus/spyware/firewalls and try it again.  My brother had the same problem on a new VISTA machine he bought around a year ago, I did the above and got it to work.

    Your security stuff should turn back on after the reboot.

  2. There could be multiple problems so here's the update help website. It's helped me before.

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