
Windows vista and yahoo instant messaging?

by  |  earlier

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my cousin is running windows vista .. she is having a problem trying to get yahoo messenger, she had it once but it quit working so she deleted it and tried to download it again but it still won't work. she has a yahoo account, she has also tried to get other messengers but none of them will work. what can she do to get the yahoo messenger




  1. I think That the Windows Must have encountered an error.

    Format the computer if possible

    then it will work

    download the newest setup too

  2. i can recommend Miranda IM it is free, it combines yahoo, ICQ, Jabber and MSN protocols and even allows to run two mirandas independently - just in case you wanted to chat with your other self...

    it even includes USB portable version. just unpack and import your ICQ contacts ... and the Yahoo messenger ones.

    i did not manage to send files through it, but it is the problem of proper plugins.

    in one sentence it is AWESOME

    however -related to the ICQ - it is unlawfull to use the ICQ account with Miranda. it is because the Miranda won't throw at you the bulk of advertisement the authentic ICQ client does - which obviously makes the icq puppetmasters angry. whatever. MIranda penetrates their defenses smoothly, so far.

    when downloading, check you are downloading proper version 32-bit or 64bit Vista - related your operating system /cousin's/

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