
Windows vista system reqs?

by  |  earlier

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I just ordered a new PC from dell, and it is due to be delivered today, and it comes pre loaded with vista, the comptuer has a 2 gig processor, 2 gig of ram, and a 256 gig video card.

I just read a post that says you need a ver powerful high end compute rto run vista well if at all, do you think the computer i listed above will be able to run vista well? or would i be better off going back to xp?




  1. The configuration is fine. Vista would work great with what you have ordered. You could add up more RAM if you like. You could have upto 4GB of RAM.

  2. The specs you have are fine. People say you should have 1gb ram to run Vista, and 2gb for it to run smoothly. So with your computer, Windows Vista should run fine.

    The thing is, many people and reviews say that Windows Vista is not that good compared to Windows XP.  

  3. Looks fine to me.

    You may want to get some more RAM when you can. Get as much as your computer will take. It will run better.

    You might want to upgrade the video card if you want to play games. The one you have should be fine for most things.

    Otherwise enjoy.

    TIP: You can use the ALT key to get the menu's back. (That aggravated me when I first started using Vista.)

    Resist the temptation to downgrade. Vista is a decent OS. But its not XP. It takes some getting used to.

    Good luck.

  4. I don't like vista a whole lot.  Id rather have them put XP on it.  Vista is a system resource hog.  I have 2 gigs of ram and on a clean install of vista it uses half of that 1gig of ram just to run the OS.  Many games are smoother and faster using xp instead of vista.

  5. It will run fine with those specs...

    No problem.

    vista home needs a minimum 512mb of ram to operate effieciently.

    but will run slow.

    With your specs you will have no problem.

    But to get the full effect of directx 10 I would definately upgrade the video card

  6. you will have everything you need...except::

    list of things to do for new computer owners with Vista installed:

    A] reset default cookies permissions to BLOCK 3rd party [ tracking ] cookies in Internet Options

    B] disable all ActiveX in Internet Options,Advanced section marked "unsafe"

    C] install Avast [ or other anti virus freeware ] anti virus freeware

    D] install Spybot & Spyware Blaster [ or other freeware anti spyware ] freeware anti spyware

    E] install Firefox web browser

    F] install Firefox security extensions:

    Finjan,Cooliris,Blocksite,Link Evaluator,Firekeeper,Interclue,Dr Web

    G] install media plugins for either I.E. or Firefox,whichever web browser you're going to use

    1] Java

    2] Flash

    3] Shockwave

    H] in Internet Options,Content,AutoComplete,settings,un... web addresses & forms


    1] in Internet Options,Advanced:


    close folders when browser closes

    uncheck reuse windows forcing pages to open in separate windows

    2] Delete Confirmation:

    right click Recycle Bin,select properties,select use 1 setting,uncheck display delete confirmation dialog box.

    get rid of that nagger "do you REALLY want to delete this?"

    use slide bar to recover 10% of free memory by sliding to 3%

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