
Windows vista won't log on after being stored away?

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i bought a new windows vista home premium laptop last year and i only used it a few times before it was stored away. recently i brought it out and the battery was dead so i plugged it in and turned it on. when i log on, it shows the welcome screen for a couple of seconds, then it jumps back to the password screen again saying it wasn't correct. i don't know why it would say welcome if the password is wrong. i kept retyping the password but it does the same thing.




  1. You Have To Be Positive You Are Typing In The Right Password! Really Think About It And Type It In Very Slowly! Try Anything You May Have Typed In, Whether It Was A Normal Password You Always Use, Your Name, Your Birth Year, Whatever!

    Try Looking Up How To Hack The Vista, I Tried, But i Couldn`t Find Out How To!

  2. I have had this problem with XP left for a while it seems that it automatically resets itself

    Get " Hirens Boot cd " and burn to disk boot from it and use the password programs on it to change or delete it

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