
Windows vista won't log on?

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I just got a laptop with Vista on it and it's been working fine since june.

two weeks ago i turned on the laptop, it went through all the start up screens, asked me to click on my user and put in my password, and when i clicked enter, it went to the welcome screen

the cursor said it was loading, but the welcome screen didn't go away. i left it on for three hours, thinking that eventually it would go to my desktop, but it stayed at the welcome screen. i know i have the right password, and i've tried logging on with the laptop plugged in and unplugged, but nothing will work.

anyone else have this problem? do you know how to fix it?




  1. Shutdown, re-boot and enter the BIOS before Windows loads (press F12, I think).  Then start up in Safe mode.  If this doesn't work, you have problems.

    Are you sure your laptop is compatible? Some computer vendors sold laptops a while back that was faulty and poorly tested for Vista.  It starts working fine and then WHAM!! it buggers up.  Had exactly the same c**p with a friend regarding log-in problems on his laptop.  According to the store technician his laptop was not 100% compatible with Vista even though it worked for a while.  Why the h**l they don't test it properly, beats me!

  2. I think you have been infected with some sort of spyware. I had a similar problem on my XP where every time I logged in, it would quickly log out. Try logging in on Safe Mode. To do this, press the F8 key repeatedly when the computer boots up. Once the menu appears, click your username, and type your password. This way, it will log in on Safe Mode. Once in Safe Mode, scan your computer with a virus/spyware scanner. If you don't have one, download the Windows Live One Care 60-day Free Trial. Use this program just for now, until you can remove the virus, then go out and purchase a full version of something like Norton Anti-virus or something. Hopefully, you catch the virus or spyware. Hope this helps!

  3. Quick Fix!

    Go buy XP.

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