
Windows xp desktop or windows vista lapto?

by  |  earlier

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i hate vista die!! shud i use a desk top i built 6 yrs ago?




  1. Apple and dual booting with windows is defeating the purpose. The virus can get on the hard drive and corrupt both operating systems.

    If you have enough RAM Vista is not so bad once you customize it and learn how to use it.

    I remember people saying the same about XP when it came out. But then we all learned how to use it.

  2. are you trying to eat your computer??

    this is under the dining out section.

    But I like XP because I am used to it. A couple people I know have enjoyed vista. They say you should wait to get it anyways as they havent figured out all of the bugs yet. will need at least 2GB ram to run it well.

  3. XP..........

    I took vista off my laptop because it is very sketchy......lots of issues and I got sick of it........

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