
Windows xp x64 any real advantages? ?

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i have 64 bit suportive hardware, however it is not vista certified. so would windows x64 give a performance boost?

i am thinking of running the 64 bit version of autocad 2009. so would that run better, would i see the performance increase?

i have a AMD64 3400+

ati radeon X850 pro

2 gig ram (DDR400)

onboard nic and sound




  1. Rick,

    I'm running Windows XP Pro x64 and have both 32 and 64 bit applications.  Unfortunately, I do not have AutoCad (any version) so your mileage will vary, but I can share with you my experience.

    The first thing I noticed is your system has 2 GB of RAM instead of an amount over 4 GB.  You will find you have advantages and disadvantages in your configuration.

    Your 64 bit AutoCad will end up taking up more memory because its word size is 64bits instead of 32bits.  So it will (for the most part) double in size.  Yet, the CPU will be able to run the application in native mode and not simulate 32 bit mode.  This will allow the application to run faster.

    Is the faster time worth the problems of running 64 bit Windows?  Only you can tell.  If your workload is mostly CPU bound then it might be worth it, but if you have RAM and/or IO issues the saving will not be there.  In fact with so little RAM you might end up causing an I/O and/or RAM issues where none exist today.

    Bottom line:  If your AutoCad workload is CPU bound then either 64 bit Vista or XP Pro is worth getting.  On the other hand if you are RAM or I/O bound then it won't be worth and might actually be slower.

    Yet, if you were to add memory to your system a 64 bit OS might then be an advantage for not just CPU but your RAM and I/O subsystem.

    There are various tools to help you look at your workload.  The general tool I use on all of my systems is:  Microsoft's Process Explorer --

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