
Windsor/Detroit commuter green card for US Employment?

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I am a Canadian currently living in Windsor, ON. There are many more employment opportunities in my career field in Detroit than Windsor so I would like to commute to Detroit each day and work. I do not have an employment offer in Detroit so an employer-sponsored visa would not be an option. Nor do I have a relative that is an American citizen (other than my ex-husband) so a family spondored visa would not be an option either. I do, however, have my Master's degree in Criminal Justice from an American University.

How would I be eligible to apply for a green card to work in Detroit?




  1. You have to be sponsored to gain employment in the USA Legally. Your best bet is to open a Business in Detroit and follow that routine

  2. In the absence of a petitioner, you'd be hard pressed to qualify for a green card visa. Unless you qualify to petition for yourself on an E1-1 immigrant visa petition, you're out of luck.

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