
Windsurfing, buying some second hand kit to get started, is there a set boom to mast height vs board length ??

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any kind of formula or rule of thumb?




  1. option 1 - buy a book

    option 2 take some lessons and ask tutors advice

  2. Hi Its nothing to do with Board size but the practical rule of thumb is to rig the boom so that it is just about at chin level when you stand against the mast. Experience will tell you very quickly if you need to move up or down an inch or two. When you actually get into the sailing position the boom will be at chest height with your arms extended more or less straight out.

  3. The mast height and boom length are determined by the sail size , which in turn is determined by the wind strength (primarily) but also your bodyweight, the type of board you are on, your ability  and type of sailing that you are doing! The sail will have written on it somewhere (often near the 'tack' - the bottom of the sail) the ideal mast (sometimes called the 'luff' measurement) and the boom length needed.

    Booms are variable over a certain range (50cm or so) and mast extensions allow you to add height (up to about 40cms) to a mast. In addition many sails have an 'adjustable head' so that you can use them on longer masts than they are designed for - although this is best avoided since if you rig them like this the mast is very stiff and they do not perform so well. If you are starting get advice from a shop - and/or post on the boards forum which has a beginner's section. 460cm / 430 cm masts are the most common all-rounders and if I recall right boom length from around 170 - 220 will cover medium size (5 - 6.5m) sail ranges. But check on the sails!

    Boom height as somebody has noted is determined by your own height but also what sort of sailing you do (messing around vs speed vs wave vs freestlye) and the conditions (over vs underpowered).

    Also note that sails and boards have changed a lot in the last decade - I would try to buy kit <7 years old (<5 years ideally) - should still be cheap.

    Hope this helps it is a great sport - good luck!

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