
Wing Chun vs Aikido?

by Guest59371  |  earlier

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Master Morihei Ueshiba vs Master Yipman in their prime under UFC rule. Who would win? Both Masters are about the same size and weight.




  1. aikido doesnt consist of striking so yipman would be victorious

  2. It would be a non-contested draw!  Both styles rely on deflecting an opponents energy, so they would both just stand there and look at each other.  It would be the most boring fight on the planet!

  3. Neither can fight and they both act  like hippies .  They will probably just hold hands and singing  Kumbayahh ma load, kumbayah !

  4. Wing Chun students are mostly very fast punchers because it's soft and internally fast... unless an aikidoka is fast enough to catch a wing chunners strike, i think he's screwed... but hey, it's my opinion, they only go so far until the real deal.

  5. no body could lay a finger on yip man (to the best of my knowledge) so of course he would win and look how good bruce was (some fail to see) so imagine his master in a ufc fight but yip was opposed to this sort of fighting

  6. the winner would probably be someone with 2 weeks of boxing or wrestling, or even someone with no training at all.  both 'martial arts' are worthless.

  7. To the guy who said they both focus on deflecting energy... That's true for Wing Tsun, but WT has strikes and lat sao attacks.  It is very aggressive and involves chain-punching and elbows/knees.

  8. No one can know the answer to this...

    I wish traditional martial arts would adopt the kind of gradding system that BJJ has...  I truly beilive that the main reason that BJJ has established itself as such a dominant force is that they don't allow people that aren't proven to be worthy of the belts wear them...  Too many older styles let people grade up based on knowledge and time spent training...

    Knowledge is very essential to the development of skill however granting someone a higher belt that can not apply the skills that they have learnt is criminal and has destroyed the credibility of most martial arts...

    Cerching...  That's my 2 cents.

  9. Wing Chun is a quite efficient style, and striking styles are more efficient than grappling styles. I vote for Yip Man. In general, it depends upon the men fighting more than the style, but when two great masters fight, the best style has the advantage.
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