
Wing clipping a parrotlet.

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First, is it common to clip a parrotlets wings? It's usually just one wing, right? Also, if you clip the wing(s) can it still kinda fly--like if it were to fall off the top of the cage would it go down like a rock or can it flutter?




  1. yes only 1 wing & they can flutter down

    when cutting wing be carefull not cut too short or you will cause pain & bleeding

  2. Please don't clip only one wing.  It throws a bird's balance off and is terribly unfair.  Your bird should have confidence, not wonder if he'll smash into something.

    The purpose of clipping a bird's wings is to slow it down, not totally ground it.  You want the bird to be able to glide gently to the floor and not drop like a stone.  Depending on the bird and it's flying abilities, you may need to clip anywhere from four to eight feathers on each wing.  Begin with four.  Give it a day or so for the bird to get used to it.  Can the bird still gain altitude?  If so, clip another two.  Give it another day or so.  Can the bird still gain altitude?  If so, clip another feather.  

    Regardless of how well your parrotlet's wings are clipped, NEVER take it outside unless it is securely caged.  Parrotlets are so lightweight that the slightest breeze can give a parrotlet enough lift to enable him to sail over the back fence and never be seen again.

    ParrotletsPlus is a Yahoo group dedicated to the tiny 4" parrotlet.  You and your bird are welcome to join?  


  3. cut both wings. but only the primary feathers. (the long ones when you spread out the wing) make sure to check for blood featheres before cutting. they are purple or red at the base. if you cut one, and it bleeds, pull it out of the wing. it sounds bad, but if left in, it will continue to bleed, and your bird will bleed to death.  

  4. It is best to clip your birdies wings while getting him used to his new home.  It will keep his attention with you and it won't get hurt in a new place.  I have seen a bird fly right into a wall and die... really... be careful!  It also helps your bird understand that you are the boss... if he figures out that he can fly and you can't you are in trouble... haha.

    There are different ways to clip your birds wings... some will do one side and some will do both.  I prefer to do both since it will look better and keep the birds balance.  My suggestion is to find someone to do it the first time and have them explain the feathers to you so you know what you are doing from then on.  The breeder or pet store you got your bird from should be happy to help you with this.  

    Otherwise... this page might help you out:

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