
Winged cats discovered, angel cat? look the picture.?

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  1. My first thought was hoax, too, but the 'winged' cat is quite real. The first two links below are the story and the third is an article that explains the phenomena.

    From the article:

    "Over the years there have been many reports of winged cats. These have been treated as cryptozoological phenomena. Many people would like to believe in flying cats, but the real explanation is medical, not mystical. The answers lie in poor grooming, a developmental defect or an uncommon hereditary skin condition."

    The article has pictures of other winged cats and tells of some of the superstitions surrounding these 'winged' cats through ages. The article also shows development deformities and the hereditary skin condition (it affects humans, too).  It is quite amazing. This information definitely goes in my favorites!

    Purrs to you and your kitties.

  2. That is Matted Hair!  It's pretty obvious. the rest of the cat is matty looking too.  God, People will try anything for attention.  That cat needs to visit a groomer!

  3. aww its so cute! i wish my cat had wings. haha.  

  4. Either those "wings" are not wings at all but either matted hair or skin growths, etc. or it is faked.

  5. That doesn't looked like wings, that looks like matted hair shaped into the shape of a wing.  

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