
Wings on planes. Why?

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Wings on planes. Why?




  1. To control the angle of the plane and turning and such.

  2. The way they are shaped causes a difference in air pressure on the top and bottom of the wing. The pressure on the bottom is greater than the pressure on the top, causing lift. You should do a little research on Bernouli's Principle.

  3. provide lift first of all. without wings, no lift for flying.

    the plane might be controlled by other means, but you cannot easily replace  the lift .

  4. The shape of the wing is called camber. air travels farther over the top than the bottom causing a low pressure and giving lift. take a piece of paper and put it just below your mouth and blow on the paper. the paper will lift up,more air moving over the top. it really works

    Hope this helps


  5. Because then you will have to call them drag racers.

  6. Wow!  Amazing!

  7. without wing its a car

  8. To give it aerodynamics

    To support the engines (in some aircrafts)

    It hosts the ailerons , which makes it turn

    It also hosts flaps and spoilers

    Check the links below:

    Hope this help has tons of information

  9. 'cause without em, then a plane would just be a big bus!

  10. without wings on a plane the plan Cant turn left or right, it wont be able to fly properly. the wings keep it steady.

  11. If it has no wings, it won't fly and it won't be called a plane. If it is wingless and flies, then it could be a missile.

  12. so the plane can catch air so the air can lift it up and it can fly, if it didnt have wings it would just be one big *** fast car that holds a bunch of people


  14. Wings on birds.  To keep them both from falling out of the sky.

  15. To block the view from the center seats. Also, a convenient place to store the engines!

  16. To balance the plane and they also create resistence against the wind. If they didn't have wings, then the plane wouldn't be able to fly.

  17. are you for real?

  18. I would have thought this answer is obvious... anyway here we go...

    Plane wings are designed with a bulging front that glides smoothly to a pointed back for more then asthetics. Closer inspection of this shape would show you that the bulge is only topside and the underside is smooth... This is for a very important reason.

    While the plane is in motion the air at the underside of the wing is not hampered where the air flowing above must ride this ridge... Because of this the air above the wing is forced to move faster as it has more distance to cover thus producing a slight vacuum effect which results in a lifting force thus keeping the aircraft aloft.

    although it is possible to achieve a controlled smooth flight by spinning a capsule similar to a bullet or missile it is doubtful the passangers would enjoy this form of transportation as much.

    incidently... Passanger planes as well as older style combat planes angle their wings up from cabin to tip to stabalise its flight behaviour... This is called the dihedral and serves to place the center of gravity lower on the plane in effect placing it in a cradle.

    Modern fighter jets often have no dihedral or angle down from the cabin. This is anhedral and is used to make the plane deliberately unstable. This ensures the plane can make a fast turn as the plane is constantly fighting to fly upside down. It is only through the use of computers that these planes are even controllable

    Hope this clears this question up

  19. Our wings are needed to create lift. Without the wings the aircraft fuselage will not be able to fly

    Wings work by creating a pressure differential.

    We have low pressure above the wing on the upper camber creating high speed.

    And the exact opposite is true for the lower camber where high pressure and low speed exist.

    This pressure differential will create lift. This is for asymmetrical wings. Symmetrical wings exist as well but a positive angle of incidence must be built in to create our pressure differential.

    Look up Bernoulli's principle to find out more.

  20. ill tell you what. go out and buy an airplane, and take the wings off. and then try to take off. then you tell me why planes have wings...

  21. It's where they put the fuel.  So, why did you REALLY ask this?
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