I am a seventeen year old girl who needs a good song as an audition song for the play, Hairspray.
I am a soprano/alto (kinda in the middle), and I really want a song that can display my voice the best. My best top note with my chest voice that I can hit is the C note an octave from middle C.
I was wondering if I should sing a song that has the personality of Inez or sing a song that can display my personality. Also, should I have an upbeat song like the songs on hairspray or something that can suit me the best? Should I also sing something on broadway?
My choices are:
Beling Alive
Defying Gravity
My biggest question is: WHat song suitss my voice the best?
PLEASE HELP!! I really want to nail this audition to become Inez. It's really important to me, and I will appreciate ANY advice that you guys have. You can include any on like, audition tips.
<3 Aspiring Broadway Actress