
Winner of affliction: day of reckoning?

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does anyone think the winner of the josh barnett and andre arlovski fight have a chance against fedor?




  1. Both those guys are very talented, but as for your question the answer is simple. NO!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Arlovski could beat fedor standing up but on the ground no and they both know sambo so it would be interesting, and as for josh barnett he could stand a chance on the ground unlike arlovski.But with Andre's last knockout that was so beautiful on Rothwell ,anything is  possible.

  3. nope. this is a really sucky question though

  4. I think this should be a very entertaining fight as long as arlovski keeps fighting like he did his last fight, if he fights like he's scared to get hit like he did after the sylvia fights barnett will or at least should win.  I still think there is a big jump in caliber of oppenents between rothwell and barnett. not taking anything away from rothwell but I think barnett is the better fighter and I do think he's going to beat arlovski.

    as far as the winner against fedor, anything is possible but man, he was impressive against big douche bag tim, I've not really seen him have any weakness, maybe he will get exposed but I don't see him losing anytime soon.

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