
Winning to the write to not perform g*y blessings?

by  |  earlier

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'civil partnership ceremonies go against her religion'

Is it right?

I agree that she shouldn't have been insulted and threatened at her place of work, but does she have the right to choose?

Just because she's a christian she gets the right to choose who she will and will not marry?

What else will it lead to? Doctors not treating patients because of their sexual preference?

Isn't it all going too far?

What do you think?

What do you worry it could lead to?

Is religion taking things to far?

Is the government forcing people to do things they don't want to?

Is there still a taboo on same s*x marriages?




  1. sorry boss, i cant work overtime, its against my religion

    wot a load of bollocks

    if that woman cant do the job she should fook off

    and the homophobic bigot above can fook off as well

  2. Not everyone who "says" they are Christian, are!

  3. Look at it this way, say hypothetically speaking:

    You are a senior guard at a maximum security prison, and the death penalty has been re-instated.  However as a devout christian (or not) don't believe in the death penalty.  You go to work one day and the usual button pusher is away sick, you are the next most senior person, so you are asked to hit the switch.  Do you do it?  Even though it is against your religion and moral fibre.  Even though it wasn't part of your mandate when you became a guard, the law was changed, now it is part of your mandate.  Are you going to be a part of legal murder, because it's your job or are you going to protest and refuse.

    I like how anyone who has a belief contrary to what popular PC opinion is, is a homophob and a bigot.  Too funny, in a pathetic kind of way.

  4. its great she has won her human rights not to be forced to carry out something she dislikes

    she hasn't stopped g**s carrying out their legal right to a civil partnership.

    this lady wasn't the only registrar in the area nobody would have been denied the right to be wed

    i think its a fair judgement g**s can still get married and this person isn't forced to do something against her moral code.

    this way everybody wins the prudes are not forced to do something against their opinion and the g**s get their civil unions carried out.

    everybody wins - i see no down side

  5. I think its different for a preacher. If their believe is that being g*y is immoral, then marrying two g**s would be against their spiritual ethics. My g*y friends got married and used a g*y vicar so its not like g**s can't get married because of this. A doctor can't refuse to treat someone because of their sexuality as it doesn't effect their medical ethics

  6. If I were her I would have done the same thing A marriage is between a man and a woman not between a couple of g**s just trying to get benefits

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